As much as I dislike “very”, I’ll accept it over “uber” anyday. One of my work companions constantly talks about how “uber badass” this is or “uber tasty” white cheddar cheeze-its are.
As much as I dislike “very”, I’ll accept it over “uber” anyday. One of my work companions constantly talks about how “uber badass” this is or “uber tasty” white cheddar cheeze-its are.
Apparently he was lit up enough on his own.
Liked the Tosh.0 reference, other than that and the checkpoint sign... meh.
But the thing is, you’ll always be wondering if there’s some other super secret email account
I’d say it may be just a wee bit worse than Auburn’s “Kick Six” over Bama. But only because the Tide figured that the worst case scenario would be a missed fieldgoal and going to overtime. They didn’t figure in the worst WORST case scenario.
In this GIF you can see the EXACT MOMENT in his expression when he knows he's fucked. What a great image.
Blue Cinema Special
STILL a better love story than Twilight!
If you really want to catch up with the friend and not just doing it to get the dirt, I’d recommend asking them out to lunch or coffee to catch up. It will give y’all enough time to go over the past few years and if she feels comfortable she will dish the story out to you.
My ex-wife is now in a relationship (and had a kid) with her sister’s ex-husband (basically making her nephew the cousin-brother of the new baby). While me and my wonderful now girlfriend are better friends with my ex’s sister than the ex is.
The new changes make them look like a turd with a penny sticking out of one end, which is how I view Johnny Football.
Sending a BIG thank you to you! This is the oddest, most entertaining thread (about the bedroom towel) that I’ve read in a while.
some individuals, when I call them, that answer their phone WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING
As an Alabamian I can confirm (and endorse) that motto. The only things we lead in is rabid obnoxious football fans; both Bama and Auburn (RTR myself) and obesity.
Now that I see what it's supposed to look like coupled with the Star Trek theme song, I can see why people think their marching band penis looks like a half cocked Enterprise.