
This, but also imagine if Bilbo stopped for 20 minutes to bet on horses, then another 20 minutes to go fishing to try and get enough to trade to a wandering elf for more mythril, then he figures out to journey back to lake town to learn morse code so he can tap snails with the old thrush to summon Roac, and then...

Seconded. Its the same as doing a routine device restart, just because software shouldn’t be behaving badly doesn’t mean a bug in the code isn’t causing a runaway resource situation. I regularly receive tickets from students with battery issues that have notability or schoology open in the background and just like

This is my periodic reminder to everyone who reads this

I had a manager of a local Culvers tell me point blank the reason i only got 3 family meals for the same amount as what 4 used to be was due to having to pay people more money. I REFUSE to believe that paying workers made costs go up that much. I also REFUSE to believe they are actually paying them all that much more

See this is exactly why i won’t do it. I don’t want to find out I’m related to someone who has issues that can be flagged or burden my children as high risk before they even come of age.  Or even worse end up on a list some true believers get ahold of and come knocking if shit really goes sideways in the next few

I liked that she was the one to end him. Consider that she was somewhat in service to the god of death, who had up to that point been cheated out of all those deaths by the night king reanimating an army of white walkers. Arya repaired the balance in that sense.  

There have been plenty of times I have walked into a store to grocery shop, seen the line was 15+ deep and one register and just left instead.  I dont got time or patience for that.  Ill try again another day.  

truck nutz. Just don’t. grow the * up.

My Biggest gripe is that its algorithmic and not chronological, so I don’t get the same up to the minute use case for news and such.  My second biggest is that I can scroll through a list and then lock my phone and when it reopens it just resets me back to the top of a nee algorithmic feed, so I can’t even avoid

I’ll never forgive them for putting carrots in the broccoli cheddar soup

I hate some of the gas stations around me that have 4 pumps all lined up single file instead of 2X2 offset diagonally. Its an absolute cluster to navigate when full and they are so close together that you can only usually use 3 of the 4 at a time. And then when the fill truck comes and blocks off one entire side of

IF my local bell would change their fryer oil more regularly I would be interested.  

I’ve got so much evidence that proves me right that I‘m not even going to bother to prove I am right!  Donate now!

I’m more interested myself in if democrats are learning from it. Pro choice appears to be a almost certain path to victory, so get on board and be sure to paint your opponent as an absolute monster and make them wear it. Even in noncompetitive districts.

$5.99 Cheerios or $2.49 Knockoff-Os?  My kids won’t know the difference.

I’m not letting go. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t misguided hope it will get better, but why would I throw away a front row seat when the end finally gets here? I have pulled all my data and disconnected everything else from it while no longer posting on it.  I want so bad to watch it burn.  

This This THIS. Oh you want to turn left across traffic? well let me stop and let you out while there is a quick gap MEANWHILE the turning car has no idea what you are doing and they aren’t going OR the creep out slowly and miss the gap and now block all of us because the first driver can’t maintain right of way. I

a Corndog is a ravioli *runs*

Waiting to see if the reports are true that the creditors could repossess it from him to try and recover some of their losses. I don’t have much faith that a Saudi govt run Twitter would be a better alternative.  I also imagine the US govt would not be thrilled if that happened.