
So this company won’t be around to do a return trip is my takeaway.  

That only works on the 99%ers, once he goes after the 1% crowd all the missing info from his time on Epstein island will suddenly appear like magic.

Honest reporting went out the window once the news got tied to social networks and engagement farming. Everyone is chasing rage clicks to the detriment of everyone. So they get their engagement from everyone pointing out how stupid and amoral this all is, like a child just looking for attention. All it takes is a

Kids these days never got to meet Joe Isuzu.

Bothers me as much as all those $1 listings everywhere and then the real price is listed further down.  

Counterpoint, yes because nobody should acknowledge it as X and let it keep being a thorn in the side of the stupid horse trader.

I’m tired of the idea that debating them will prove anything. “Look, I won the argument, these GOPers are clearly wrong” is great, but now all you did is platform their message, show them in a better light (but you said they were horrible, he seems nice enough to vote for) and provide the optics that they have a valid

Good for you.  

I appreciate any foldable review that quickly acknowledges the crease.  

Will it solve the crease?  

The amount of courage a company must have to do something like this over and over

As I have gotten older, I have learned to not let things bother me if I am going to never think about them again in 20 minutes. More people need to go back to not worrying about other peoples business.

Just yesterday had a guy on a bike decide laws dont apply, riding down betwen both lanes of cars to get to the front to blow it off the line to the next light, pull off to the side for some reason then uses the turn lane to once again blow past traffic.  It’s these sorts of things that imperil other drivers and why I

I’m sure it’s now itemized in your premium.

Was once on a work trip and stuck with a middle seat between two guys who struck up a conversation and wanted to hammer down drinks from ATL to CHI, with one guy listing his entire prison sentence and all the “colorful” ways he got himself in each time. Thankfully the window guy wanted to swap so they could chat and

I see what you did there.  have a star.

So its money laundering then?

I would like to know what the common ingredient is or what exactly makes it bad. My mind obviously goes straight to high fructose corn syrup when we talk candy and soda.  

Interesting that they lumped news and politics together. I’m sure they will still allow political ads though. They just want to remove the accusation of bias, like that has ever stopped the disingenuous before.
