
Would any kind of lawsuits turn up who farmed out all those fake responses in support of removing net neutrality? Two of my uncles supposedly wrote the same response verbatim against it but if anyone has met those two you would know they cant even manage to work a calculator let alone understand what net neutrality

It should have been an offshoot like Stranger of Paradise was. Making it a mainline numbered game carries certain expectations of gameplay, and making a genre change should have carried an expected loss of sales, especially with the uproar FF7R caused.

I always joke with the mrs on how often they are on tv somewhere

Heidelbergensis does what Nintendon’t.

Oh good, now they will have room to list all the ingredients on their items and not leave out potential allergy items.

It takes courage to dump a well received and long standing port that gets used millions of times a day.  Sometimes it also takes European regulations.  

Seems pretty straightforward they were trying to prop up the Inhumans as a stand in because Fox had the X-men movie rights.  Now that they have them back it’s time to pump out content.

I get the sense that its a coalition that all found what they wanted in a candidate who would gladly do whatever they wanted for money. FedSoc, Evangelicals, Alt right, racists etc. all realize they hes their golden ticket right now and could be their last best shot to make so much hay for a long while.

Now now, thats not totally fair. They also get to pay sky high for the exclusive networking benefits other Ivy leaguers look for when hiring requires looking past nepotism.

He’ll need to buy an eXtra amount of horses most likely.

Firmly believe they will eventually roll it back into instagram with all these sweet sweet new users to harvest.

I stayed away from instagram forever, but with all these new apps popping up I at least made an account just to grab the username before someone else did.

All I want is a chronological, up to the minute news and nonsense feed that isn’t constantly kicking itself in the nuts.  I still wonder what twitter would have become if Disney didn’t get scared off.

Seems pretty spot on. Im close to agreement, but I believe threads being tied to instagram so closely was always about trying to snag a bunch of new users fleeing twitter and they will eventually merge threads back into instagram with all those new accounts coming along for the ride.

That sounds better.  I haven’t outright dismissed XVI yet,  but I just haven’t seen enough for me to want to play it.

Particularly, I don’t find the stagger mechanic compelling.  I just see it as dragging out fights.  It really soured me in 13 and I haven’t been back. 

Thank you. The reaction from some who enjoyed FF7R that insisted the game was for them and that those who were hoping for a proper FF7 remake should “get over it” were ridiculous. the “well, I’M happy so too bad for you” mentality in gaming needs to go away.

As one of the lucky soap tasters, I find it tastes horrid. But I will say that after years of working in a produce department and doing the morning greens soak, cilantro can be quite wonderfully fragrant.

Obligatory reminder that huckabee’s son murdered a dog. I always tweeted this back at his dumbass jokes until I finally got blocked

Personally, I think the issue is that we don’t have nearly enough people in the spotlight highlighting how stupid these people are. The broad assumption is that the nonsense is so obvious it shouldn’t be taken seriously. But when we don’t have the same infrastructure to combat this nonsense, they get to be the loudest