
This is the line that shows they aren’t serious people. They want every vaccine shot tested before, creating an impossible standard they know will never be met and can never reach their threshold of approval. 

I think of it like this: This is the Titanic sinking. The previous owner of the Titanic brought the Titanic II for people to climb aboard, but only brought a small wooden plank. Otherwise, people are welcome to get into the tiny lifeboats with the passengers who will tell you that iceberg was sent by the “deep” and

TWO Horses!

It was a sequel.

Long enough for him to acquire a few more horses.

My first car in 2001 was an ‘86 LX hatchback. 4cyl. Extremely BROWN with what seemed like a gold fleck paint job that looked great when properly washed and waxed. Broke down monthly. Oil leak. Carburetor had to be screwed back together every so often so it started. I had big dreams for that POS. Still saw it around

Her Rudolph the red nosed reindeer song is a crime against humanity.

When are they going to do a revised model that doesn’t look like a dvr in a melted 3 ring binder?

Accelerating is a bad idea when you will either be slamming it in reverse or heading full speed at a brick wall.

1000 years in jail for the people who put their carry on in the first available bin and not the one above their seat. I want nothing to do with being in a metal can with no survivable exits while in the air and I sure don’t want to be in it even a second longer than necessary.

O/U on how fast a malware serving ad shows up OR it gets one of those porn games put on the bar? Heck, this seems like exactly the kind of device someone nefarious would want to target strictly for existing. Like the Home Depot refrigerator hacks a few years back.   

Twitter also building horse stables, just in case.

Cheaper memory cards.