
“The flint-lock blunderbus was the shotgun of its time...”

His reaction wasn’t grief or protection for the remaining children, it was deflection and self-protection. His feelings weren’t for the child or the children, it was for himself.

Looks more like narcissistic, abusive rage than pain to me.

It’s way too early for you to be drunk as fuck.

Is this an attempt to be progressive? Yes he feels pain. He also recklessly shot and killed his own kid and then abused another in his quest to not be blamed. So... what about his pain?

Yeah, I don’t care about that guys hurt fee-fees. He shot a toddler and was waving a loaded gun around in a room full of children. Then punched a 5 year old for crying and tried to frame her for the shooting. He gets NO consideration. Fuck that guy.

I have to politely disagree with you. They may have a lot of money and be involved in diplomatic visits but they have no authority in regards to the rules and functions of government. In that way they’re more like a wealthy business than a government, and America has a lot of problems with powerful corporations and

I lived in Glasgow for five years. There is no stranger, yet more beautifully weird city on Earth. For example:

Yeah. Someone flippantly said something about failing as a culture and I wanted to get shitfaced and have a shoe fight with them. Considering I’m about as unpatriotic as they come, I get surprisingly defensive when people slag us off. We’re a rich and diverse people with many problems but even more wondrousness. Plus

Your lack of understanding of the U.K. Government disturbs me. The monarchy is essentially ceremonial only; they’re only good for selling magazines, attracting tourists and keeping middle-class English royalists and northern Irish fanatics happy in their flag-waving, tea party fantasy land.

There is a little bar that serves them, along with real fish and chips, bangers and mash, and curries. All tasty.

Americans have such a sense of superiority for a country with a bad education system, bad healthcare system, bad welfare system, that puts more of it’s population in prison than any where else, that refuses to sign the UN declaration of rights of the child because it would stop them executing people for crimes

If you are upset by these images, please spare a moment to consider how cross the Daily Mail probably is about THE DECLINE OF OUR GLORIOUS BRITAIN AND ALSO THE DEBAUCHERY OF TODAY’S YOUTHS. It will cheer you right up.

Ok, everybody meets back here tomorrow. Make it 2 o’clock EDT.

I don’t really think it’s a slack thing that keeps men from complaining. Women don’t get much slack. We complain and we get policed by men for complaining about pointless matters (or for advocating poor health, or for taking away men’s fun things). I think a lot of guys aren’t used to advocating on behalf of

I agree with your conclusion here, but I'm curious as to why you think GI Joes and male underwear models are a more unrealistic expectation than Barbies and female underwear models.

You said “no one has a problem with this,” and then said You don’t have a problem with this either.. So why are you talking about this, in an article, Not about this? “Hey, instead of talking about what you’re talking about, let me tell you about something else that you don’t seem to care about! And I don’t actually

Oh lord, a “what about the mennnzzzz” already? Cheesus Crisp, save us.