

(I wish I could take credit for this, but alas. It was in a collection of funny tweets on buzzfeed, all of which were about bees. I was beeside myself over this one ;)

Its Julie WALTERS not Waters!

I’m glad you said this, as its very true - if you witness someone being a domineering bully to waiting staff you are probably getting a glimpse of how they are at home with their family most of the time. I know from experience that challenging an abusive person’s behaviour can be very risky.. It may not have been

I became acquainted with a man several social ranks my senior. We didn’t get on at all and I thought he was an arrogant dickhead right from the start. Imagine my suprise when he showed up one day and expressed distress over having fallen in love with me and asked me to marry him, despite the fact I’m not posh enough

They are more photogenic when they're sleepy! With this one I fed him snacks so he would pose like he was praying.. (I promise I'm not *quite* as insane as this makes me sound..)

Aw, that's good to know. Mine have won a few hearts and minds too. Here they are; who could resist..?!

Well said! I too am a rat enthusiast and they are given a lot of unfair bad press. They sure are naughty little beasts, but not disease ridden vermin as many believe.

Sounds like a shortcut to thrush. :-/

I did this too! Except I was 17, and the I didn't have to get on a plane to meet my internet sweetheart/serial killer. I caught the bus to the nearby seaside town of Weston-Super-Mare and we stayed in a super seedy hotel. (The moment I set eyes on him in the flesh I realised he was quite vile, but for some reason 17

' skin without freckles is like the sky without Stars'...! That's so lovely. I'd love to go out with another ginger and then have a whole brood of ginger kiddies. Like the Weasleys in Harry Potter...

I speak in Received Pronounciation and am routinely cruelly mocked for sounding 'posh'. I am also a redhead and have been mocked for this also. in the UK casual predjudice against gingers and toffs is widely accepted ;) I think maybe I should move abroad, where these attributes may be highly prized!

In fact, many outspoken campaigners for human rights causes get accused of shoving their opinion down the throats of those who don't agree with them, but they continue to speak loudly because they feel it is just. Animal rights campaigners are doing the same, but on behalf of those who don't have a language to speak

'Live and let live' is one of the basic principles behind vegetarianism and veganism really... I don't see why it's wrong to ask for that sentiment to be applied to the other creatures we share this world with. :(

Exactly. That swimsuit is très chic..

A friend of mine with dreadlocks once got a bad case of nits - repeating medicated shampoo washings weren't getting rid of them, so on the advice of a homeless woman he dunked his whole head in diesel. It made him really quite ill, but the nits were gone, so I suppose, win?

This is what I was wondering! How can you tell someone's class from a photo?! Such nonsense..

Yes! I am English and am bewildered by this slander of our most beloved festive foodstuffs! Mince pies and Christmas fruitcake are both delicious. So is Christmas pudding, also known as Figgy Pudding. I think maybe Mr Pinkham has an aversion to dried and candied fruit..

I was finding it hard to focus on Mr Cumberbatch due to concerns over whoever it was pacing in the background... :-/ I don't think she/he likes being in that small cage..

I'm from Bristol UK (the original Bristol..!!), this story has caused quite a stir here. I do wish Jezabel would stop using the Daily Heil as a source though.. there are much better British newspapers to draw on that aren't renowned for their bigotry and hatefulness!