
Congratulations! It sound like things are going well.

Animals in horror or suspense vehicles are a distraction, because you are always waiting for the animal version of fridging.

Golden Retriever, Yellow Labrador Retriever. Goldens have the flowing locks and the plumey tails. Labs have short coats that come in yellow, black or chocolate, and Goldens from blonde to red. Goldens are people pleasers, and Labs are maybe a bit more task oriented, but both are excellent at retrieving, guide dogging

Sometimes the apple falls outside the orchard.

Well crap! I’m so sorry.

I haaaaaate having my picture taken, so I feel your pain.

Get the drugs. Just get the drugs. Really. I’ve heard from people who didn’t, for whatever reasons, and they regretted it.


(as an aside; fuck kinja)

Would/could they maybe do a topical anesthetic on the area? I’ve had some fairly involved eye exams lately, and emergency laser surgery about 3 years ago, and they put numbing drops in the eyes, and maybe they can do something like that for your procedure.

I’m so sorry about your dad.

Antidepressants can be a game changer, and doctors are used to patients coming in and saying, “I can’t manage this on my own anymore, even with therapy”. Your doc will likely start you off on a low dose of something, and if that doesn’t work, they may up the dose, or try something else.

I meant keeping a private journal for yourself. :D Where wordsmithing doesn’t really matter, unless you want to polish your skills.

If writing helps, have you tried journaling? A lot of people say they find it helpful

I’m so sorry Ruby. A lot of grieving involves guilt, as in; “Why wasn’t I there when ...?

Fuck parents!!!!!!!!!!!

Very cute! And lovely in the hot weather.

They are great; so convenient. They aren’t much quieter than window-shakers, but the ease of installation is a big plus.

I lived in one apartment (top floor, flat, black tar roof over top) that got so hot that one of my cats collapsed from the heat. I had to put her in the sink in tepid water to get her cooled off. She was pissed about that too. It takes a lot of heat for a cat to feel the effects. I got a window a/c unit after that.

I would say keep trying with the cats until it isn’t possible anymore. A trap might work where a carrier won’t, because they don’t really see it as an enclosure, and you don’t have to be at the trap to close the door. Speaking from experience, it is possible to trap a feral or a stray in a cat carrier, but it’s hard,