Carol Channing should be renamed Gladys Kravitz
Carol Channing should be renamed Gladys Kravitz
It might be inconvenient, but maybe start looking for another institution for everything other than the mortgage (it’s probably too late in the process to look for another mortgagor for the house), and pull all of your other accounts, and when you go to renew the mortgage in five years (or whenever, but five years is…
Well, there used to be sub-blogs of Jezebel, Jalopnik, i09, etc, which were run by commenters, with commenter only content, but G/O Media shut them all down last fall.
That’s very weird. If you weren’t this far along, I’d say; “By Felicia, I’m taking my business elsewhere”.
Congratulations! I love hearing stories of things getting astronomically better for people who were in a dark place.
Cat Man Chris and Mrs Cat Man Chris with Cole and Marmalade.
Puppies are an enormous amount of work, but the love you get back is worth it. I think the difference between dog and cat love, is that cats believe they are the centre of the universe, and we revolve around then, while dogs believe we are the centre of the universe, and they revolve around us (I say this as one of…
I’m so sorry. The first few months are exhaustion combined with grief and shock. Don’t let anyone tell you “you should be over it by now”; grieving takes as long as it takes, but it is a process that does eventually wind up. You will still feel sad, but it’s not the constant gut punch of the first while.
Some really terrible people are great actors. And maybe he has more personality and charisma onscreen than in still photos, because in photos, he just seems to fade away.
If he’s already neutered, that cuts down on a lot of risk factors for diseases, as he’s less likely to get into fights with other cats. He may just have a cold, which they can get.
See if there is a local feral cat rescue group in your area; they may be able to help with catching him (using a live trap), and perhaps funding vet care. If he can be caught, look into having him neutered at the same time.
He must have some acting ability; Call Me by Your Name gets some respect for the cast, but visually, he is a kraft cheese slice with mayo on white bread. With the crusts cut off.
Dear god, it is his real name then. Parents can be so cruel.
Henry Cavill has dark hair and a cleft chin, so I can tell them apart, but I was halfway through Pacific Rim and I could not for the life of me tell Charlie Hunnam apart from the character who was his main antagonist, another blonde actor. It didn’t help that Hunnam’s American accent kept slipping into his native…
In fact, you should maybe scale back the vitamin D; you may already be over the recommended limit. You might want to check with your doctor.
Hmmm, 5000 I.U. is already quite a bit; maybe reconsider bumping up.
I’m so sorry.
Bump up your vitamin D intake; it might help.