
I want Max and Leo. Sadly, I already have my two that I’ve set as my ration for number of cats, and I’m in the wrong country.

You’re welcome! I figure that not only is there the commentariat here, but there are lots of people who read but do not comment. So the information will get out there.

I’m convinced that our fondness for cats is that they are the same size as furry early hominid babies.

Menopause is great! Once you come through the other side. Aside from the thinning hair on top which moves to the chin instead.

I came across this site today, and thought this would be a good spot to signal boost; a small Toronto company that makes swimwear and underwear for young trans girls. The daughter of the owner is a trans girl and her parents weren’t finding other good solutions when they went to the beach.

Why is he a thing? He is possibly the blandest white man to ever bland white man (I say this as a bland white woman). I could not possibly pick him out of a lineup. He out-Kens the Ken doll. As I enter this reply, I can’t even call up what he looks like; I have to scroll back to the top of the page. 

It could also be “Wattles”, since he has those too. Waddlin’ Wattles.

Hey; I don’t know if you’re still around the kinjaverse to see this, but unless I’m mistaken, you haven’t made the jump to GroupThink 2.0 yet. If you want to, we are at

I’m so very sorry. All I can say at this point, having gone through the illnesses and deaths of both parents is that you really do have to take things one day and one step at a time. Don’t look too far into the future; just deal with the thing in front of you right now.

Nah; you qualify.

A Shelley scholar in our midst! 

You could start with Les Klinger’s Annotated Frankenstein.

Someone at work in another department has a wee one that has tested postive, so the whole family will be self-isolating for two weeks. Fortunately it’s paid leave.

I attended a panel on Frankenstein a couple of years ago (the 200th anniversary of the publication). There were publishers, writers and academics, and it was really, really interesting taking a deep dive into the story. One person mentioned that Victor could be seen as Mary Shelley’s alter ego; he was able to create

Congratulations! So you have gone with the house you fell in love with, in spite of the problems. I’m glad the sellers were willing to budge a bit.

Yep; nobody died of AIDs either; cancers (caused by AIDs), pneumonia (caused by AIDs), etc.

I’ve been hearing some buzz about that congressman who died last week at the age of 41, after coming down with covid; it was a heart attack, apparently, but the covid deniers are saying “see; it wasn’t covid at all!”, when in fact covid can damage heart tissue, which may have caused the heart attack, or he may have

That sounds hilarious! I got a tiny bit of one episode years ago, where they had asked an elderly monk to translate a book written in Latin. Turns out it was pornography and not relevent to the investigation, but the monk volunteered enthusiastically to translate the remainder of the book.

If you run into one who is different than what you grew up with, it can be hard to spot. My dad was a narcissist, but not a malignant narcissist, so when I ran into one of those, I didn’t realize it for some time.

Now playing

Shoot; I linked to the version with no English subtitles. Look for the MZTV versions that have the subtitles. Here’s the official trailer.