Now playing

I’ve been watching a fabulous Chinese historical drama based on the life of the so-called Qianlong Emperor (1741-1799) and his second Empress, and the Inner Palace (harem). It’s all intrigue, conspiracies and tea parties (they eat a lot, and drink gallons of tea). It’ kind of like Henry VIII being married to all his

That is PhD levels of denial. He could give a masterclass in it.

Does he have any explanation for what’s wrong with all those people he deals with other than covid? I’m sure he’s justifying his views in his own mind. My mind is just boggled by the pretzels he must be tying his brain into.

“I need to speak to the maaaanager!”

Be passive aggressive right back, and make it clear that you are having a blast without them.

They look like they’re saying “WTF is this shit?”

I’m so sorry.

You need to post pictures of you and the Bartender having wine at the castle, and visiting the botanical gardens, etc. and tag them. And/or then block them on your social media.

See, this is why I have pets; I’m not talking to myself, I’m talking to the dog, or the cats.

Aw man; I’m sorry about that.

I’m so sorry.

You are righteously proud of that cake! It’s fabulous!

Very nice! I finally joined pinterest, because I’m going to be planning bathroom and kitchen renovations in the next few years, and I get frustrated when the idea that I want is behind a membership wall.

Okay; that’s out of the way! Here’s a picture of Kia at the park yesterday;

Good luck! And let us know how it goes.

Then he sealed all the holes and cracks he found (big hole around the lines from the exterior AC unit)

I find the same thing at the cottage; just having the cats deters a great many mice. My cousins will be overrun, and my cottage which is has many more points of entry will not even have any droppings around.

I’m so sorry about the miscarriage. Even it’s early days, you’re making plans for the new person. Both my mother and I were second pregnancies following miscarriages, but both had two trouble free pregnancies after that, so don’t give up yet.

Ah god, families; “the ties that bind and gag”. I’m so sorry. A narcissistic parent is so difficult to deal with. My father was a narcissist, but not to that level, but they do so much damage.