
I was waiting for the redemption arc that never came.


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You mean ‘Goldie Gold and Action Jack’?

The nerds of the ‘80's salute you. Tho’ Ilyana is totally bad-ass these days, she will always belong to the ‘Inferno’ era New Mutants. 

There’s a joke about dying from a virus in here too. 

* Was the battle scene in the opening set in WWII or during the Korean War, where Atticus served?

Court yelling cousins and giving Henry Jr a bear hug was some powerful Kara Danvers energy.

Dragon King asking to sit only so he could stand to make his big announcement cracked me up. That was great.

Dr. Ito’s response to Cindy screaming in a cell - “Turn on the gas. It always calmed her as a baby.” - is one of the most fucked up lines I’ve heard in a long time.

Back to back muttering of I wish I could and her secretiveness in bonding with Courtney seemed gay-coded at first to me too, but when it is revealed she knows more about the ISA than any of the other kids and that she has no real relationships because she is a mole or her dad, it actually seemed like sincere

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FilmCriticHulk had a wonderful essay where he diagnosed the biggest problem with Hollywood screenplays today, as the fact that they assume empathy on the part of the audience. The assumption is that the screenwriters don’t need to give the audience a reason to care about the protagonist, because hey, if they didn’t

Darhk Shadows

After last week’s somewhat-flat/downer episode — this was totally worth it. So, so many great references — both in the shows-within-the-show and the actual dystopian show the show became.

Yeah, I was gonna say...

I still think that Bughead was a mistake, because it closed us off from Jughead’s aversion to romance in the comics, which would have been a more interesting track for a teen romantic drama to take in the 2010s. These shows tend to revolve so much around sex and romance - the default state for a teenager to be in in

No matter how many times I watch Jedi, that Death Star run by Wedge and Lando still blows my mind in terms of special effects...especially when they are running along the unfinished, in-construction surface before flying into the superstructure. This is 1983, and it holds up as good, if not better, than anything

It never occurred to me that someone could read the redemption of Darth Vader as a bad narrative decision. It’s so fundamental to the movies, obviously more so after the prequels, that I can’t register it as poor storytelling.

Came out on a Wednesday, and my parents had told my sister and I that we would see it on Saturday, three days that seemed eternal to a just-turned-10 years old kid. Wednesday night, about 9 o’clock, I was fast asleep when my dad, in a moment I will never ever forget, gently shakes me awake and says, “Do you want to go

That part I liked. The waiting for a reply while wondering if you maybe went a little too far while the other person writes, then erases part of his response.