
Nope. Initially, right after Sunfyre and Aegon take their tumble and Aemon is distracted, she has a clear opportunity to make a run for it but instead turns around to engage Vhaegar. 

The real tragedy? She lost her health insurance through the guild in 2014, and didn't get it back until the next year. If she had had it, that cancer probably would have been caught early and not had the chance to metastasize.

Although her bravery was admirable, Rhaenys’s sacrifice was stupid. After Aegon and Sunfyre went down, she had absolutely no reason to stick around. Vhegar and Aemond were distracted, Rook’s Rest was a lost cause, and she already did tremendous damage to the enemy, literally crippling (and possibly killing) the Usurper

But without Alicent’s acquiesence and help, it almost certainly would not have been successful. One raven to Dragonstone announcing the death of the king and the incipient usurpation would have put an end to that plot right quick.

And boring and dull Presidential politics are anathema to a news industry that lives off attention, engagement, and clicks. 

But if anyone thought they knew what they were getting when they walked into the theater to see Enter The Dragon, they were in for a momentous revelation.”

That made sense because it was a title for those who did the ritual of almost drowning.

No joke, I was scandalized. Straight up unequivocal NC-17 territory. 

I got the impression that Lestat was Daniel’s sire, rather than Armand.

What is a “guigonette”?

I’m retrospect, I’m surprised that Zane hasn’t done more VO work.

I’d heard it had *gnarly kills” and was somewhat unimpressed with the rather pedestrian slaughters … right up to *that scene*.

As soon as it became known that Trump eats his steak well done and with ketchup, Hank would have at once and forever turned against Trump, declaring such a thing to be the mark of the Anti-Christ. 

“We will watch your career with great interest.” 😁

Although this item isn’t cursed (just evil microchips), I just want a shout out to 1983's “The Lift” for its AMAZING tag line: “Take the Stairs, Take the Stairs. For God’s Sake, Take the Stairs!!!”

How almost unbelievably mature of Radcliffe. Good on him.

I definitely believe that the original cartoon introducing skepticism and questioning authority (“there are no monsters, only white guys trying to steal money”) in a relatively straight, kid-friendly way was a definite reason for its initial popularity. It’s longevity still amazes.

Considering how fraught it could’ve be, I am pleasantly surprised at how mature and polite the almost inevitable conversation about the Gaza conflict has been, whether I agree with the sentiment or not. Well done, y’all,

To borrow an expression, I’m not angry with J.K. Rowling; I’m just disappointed with her.

I’m surprised that they didn’t do more with Kiku. After all the lead-up with her and Omi, I’d imagined they were going to take the same route as they did in the ‘80s miniseries, but nothing.

(For those unfamiliar, in both the novel and the ‘80s series, Toranaga buys Kiku’s contract from Gin. In the novel, Toranaga