
I really wish that, like the book, they hadn’t revealed who the spy was until the end. It would have hit much harder.

In the book, Toranaga burned the ship to save Blackthorne and also to win the Christian daimyos to his side.

Again, I remain irked at the nerfing of Blackthorne’s character. (e.g.: That Toranaga views him as an entertaining buffoon rather than with respect, and that Blackthorne’s moment of true badassery — his attempted sepukku — isn’t a principled attempt to save innocents as much as a barely hidden deathwish).

That said, it

Then they would have known that Vault 32 was long compromised and that the "vault dwellers" were frauds.

The point was that no one questioned the system, to the point that questioning the system wasn't even a question.

The Triennial trade may be when the vaults open up and interact, but it seems clear that the overseers remain in some regular contact.

Alright, this thread has done a pretty good job explaining Moldaver’s flawed stratagem (all we need is Hank, but instead of just grabbing him and going, we’ll do some unnecessarily extended deception and kill a bunch of innocent people, even though that will greatly risk the primary objective being blown).

Still want

Okay, my one remaining plothole nitpick: If Vault 32 was offline and dead for at least two years, how did no one notice? Especially if the overseers of all three vaults were (presumably) in regular contact with each other?

The lack of “Moral Orel” almost singlehandedly invalidates this list.


“Rocky Balboa” also had one of the best monologues to lead into a training montage:

“You know all there is to know about fighting, so there’s no sense us going down that same old road again. To beat this guy, you need speed - you don’t have it. And your knees can’t take the pounding, so hard running is out. And you got

“We need to sharpen this.” Classic.

Bud Askins” is about as perfect name for a brown-noser as is humanly possible.

The omission of “Thundarr the Barbarian” is a shanda.

But if we could never hear “Now that is one wet lady!” in the midst of a sex scene ever again, that would be super.”

And we can blame the entire OJ saga for inflicting the Kardashians upon us.


I don’t mind the idea of his being nerfed, but IMHO, they way overnerfed him. It makes him less interesting as a character.

The highlighting of Cooper Howard “I’m not that kind of guy” to the Ghoul definitely having become that kind of guy.

especially since it’s still not clear what Maximus actually wants, beyond getting to be treated like a hero”