
You know what? Maybe “pretty dull TV” is EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD WANT FROM OUR PRESIDENT.

It’s a made-up word referencing Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol, a Parisian horror theater in the early 20th century.

Because he was so legitimately freaked out all the time? Which makes sense because who wouldn’t be!?

We did get our obligatory Wilhelm Scream though, so there’s that.

Also gotta love that Brasso got to clock some stormtroopers with Maarva’s Brick! What a send-off. Her actual bodily remains got to punch some fascists.

I believe this is the one written by Paul Dini so I really hope that it does somehow get released.

Serkis character at the end of the prison break just saying “I can’t swim” was perfect. 

How can you say ‘Artless’? He’s the main antagonist.

Loved the little nod to the original Star Wars as Bix’s torture started - the quick pan-down following the door closing and the focus on boots walking away.

Careful, you’re venturing into nuanced thoughtfulness territory. This is the internet, we need all things reduced down to two distinct, opposing sides, like sports teams.


It’s funny how the DC movies have been mired in attempts to reboot, but also carry over some stuff, but also put out bits and pieces that stand alone, but also lean into them and weave them back into the tangle, but also kind-of undo the reboots, and so forth.

But calling him Dr. Quadpaw (that’s what the closed captioning said) is very Lucas.

It smacks of bullshite because Alicent is smarter than this, but the show is actively working to make her an irredeemable fool. How did the ice and fire prophecy become the dumbest part of both shows?

Velma being gay is just lazy. Oh the frumpy looking girl is a lesbian.

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Seriously, this line goes harder than 75% of this list, or the comments.

Came here for this.

Bonus from Rebels

Seriously, how did this not make the list???

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Well this list is a great big bowl of fail, for including that idiotic “NOOOOOOOO!” line and omitting this ice-cold bon mot: