
Is it really different though, really?

But all of the bad fats in them make his skin so shiny! 

Its pretty clear in this video, which skier is in charge of feeding the dogs. 

Its Valentine’s day, all the cunning linguists are busy.

He’s only a freshman give him some time. 

Should’ve paid him in Pesos. 96421 pesos sounds a lot more impressive. 

+1 @Snottiedrippen

except the crashing vintage aircraft part, yes. 

With the Argos being so flush with cash I thought they could have done better.

If its not Scotties its Crap! 

I’d join the layup lines of the other team. 

+1 Huge ass ring that he can’t afford on a rookie deal. 

Oh, she dead, for reals.

Shut your damn mouth. 

Can’t beat it? Should’ve named it Limp Dick then. 

Kinja thinks you need more exercise.

You do notice that its mainly (cotton) pony cars doing this, right?

He’s just a big Dylan fan. After being shunned by Louisville, he is looking to get “Tangled Up in Blue.”

The next comment I make without pushing the damn thing will be my furst. 

No, it is not.