
Setting expectations is the key. The child must know what is acceptable or not. If your kid is old enough to meditate or talk about big emotions, doesn’t have a medical/psych/other issue, and is having regular meltdowns, it’s because the kid has discovered that the meltdowns work for something that s/he wants. Those


I was of the opinion that the Mighty Vidalia was but a variety of Yellow Onion.  You’re buying the hype, my man!  Sweet Georgia Onion HYPE!

Trader Joe’s Garden Patch?

I once dated a girl whose mother raved about “chicken-ro con polio,” a dish served to her by a friend. After asking her to describe it, my recent high-school Spanish kicked in to decipher, “Arroz con Pollo”.

He has what was once called, “a punchable face”.

I’m in the same boat; the beans in the recipe make it a no-go. Do I need to put something in as a replacement? Would Rotel or tomatoes work? Or, can I just omit the beans?

You, Oldnslo, are no longer a Republican. They are. You’re an outsider now.

Sadly, this is now the perception. I’m a Republican. Trump isn’t. Neither are those who support the idiocy. I’m watching the death of the Republican party, because it’s new leaders aren’t Republicans and the traditional leaders have forgotten what it means to lead, be conservative, or have a legal and moral compass.

Tried these for the first time, just now.

hoi polloi = common people

Not necessarily.  A buddy of mine had a stroke a couple of months ago and, with speech therapy and support, is almost back 100%.  

Organize the grocery list?

the prosecutor may have had pressure on their part, as well, either political or from the victim insurance company.

bring in the Rakes!

It’s about 10 years ago. I’m in kickboxing class, sparring against former champ, Kevin “Superkicks” Nix. He’s a great guy, and a wonderful teacher. I’ve been sparring against him and the rest of the folks in class for years—we’re all familiar with one another. As I recall, I was maybe a brown belt.

Post Mallone’s Jackie Chan. How does a song about a young lady not ready for a relationship turn into “I just ordered sushi from Japan. Let’s just kick it—Jackie Chan”. At best, it’s a brainless, lazy couplet.

I hate it with the passion of 1000 alien suns.

Do you ever open the hood of a car and look not with the calculation of experience, that each piece does a certain thing, but with wonder—that someone went to work one day, and made a thing that draws air in, pumps it out, and along the way, can propel you from 0-60 in moments? Some person fit pieces of metal together

Not sure about your grade scale. Only a B. Damon’s monologue was the best in a LONG while; the cold-read weekend update jokes were gems. My wife and I were laughing out loud throughout this show. Easy A!