
This is art.

chef’s kiss

It’s not just that. I wrote it in the comments for the previous episode. Internet overanalyzes everything about the MCU in *our* reality, where it’s fictional. Imagine if it were real, and everyone’s life depended on those people and events. There’d be thematic channels recreating and analyzing everything in

Square Enix, writing notes: “Okay, so you said you want the iOS port of VI with the giant touchscreen interface and terrible muddled artwork, right? Great, that’ll be $20. No need to thank us.

Could we talk about the real missing FF game? Where the heck has final fantasy Tactic gone? Let me buy it again squix

How about Final Fantasy I - VI on Switch? Specifically I’d like to see the GBA version of VI, but with the original SNES soundtrack.

So on the website itself, there’s more to the descriptions of each realm and uh... if Waloed’s summon isn’t Odin I’m gonna be surprised considering their flag.

This is remarkably clear as far as Final Fantasy backstory material goes. I can’t wait to see what movies, sites, tie-in material, and post-launch DLC I’ll need to consume in order to understand the actual narrative that the game itself will present.

I mean, what information is this supposed to convey? Do other companies just hang around when developing their games? Call it cynical, but way I see it, this is a rather circular story which doesn’t really tell us anything. It’s like when Blizzard says their games are done “when it’s ready”, like, yeah, no kidding. I

Oh, see, I would have thought that they were going to get it all ready and then delay it for no reason, but now that I know they’ll be releasing it “as soon as they can” well that about changes everything.

I need a FF monsters ranked

My work at my next outlet will be more industry- and business-focused and less about playing games and writing about them, so I don’t think the FF retrospective can continue there. But I do have dreams of writing a book about Final Fantasy one day. We’ll see!

You’re safe to keep reading tbh

Thanks Schreier. I usually tend to watch these.

Bad enough with everyone tossing about stuff from the early physical release when I bought Digital SPECIFICALLY to be able to play during quarantine. Didn’t think I’d be able to go pick up a physical copy.

But can Square release it early on PSN Store? Noooooooooo

If Kennedy had worked more with Johnson then yeah maybe he would’ve been more successful getting his legislation passed. He didn't though, and Johnson ended up being the one to do all the heavy lifting to get the Kennedy stuff through. I think it's long overdue that everyone who obsesses over JFK just admit to

“Give Matsuno The Final Fantasy Series You Cowards" is still going to be carved on my Tombstone.  

I know, right? It’s crazy. Just the idea that they’d actually come through and make an evolution of Farfetch’d always seemed so... fuck, what’s the word.

Honestly, Squall’s character growth is the best part of this game (unless you’re more into batshit anime plotlines and twists, then that’s on another level). I really hope that this remaster helps to rehab this game’s image. Yes, it’s a game that’s entire battle system can be twisted and broken on a whim, not

Well, when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.