
Twilight Sad doing Floating in the Forth is going to be seriously hard to listen to. Can't imagine how hard it was to record. 

Frightened Rabbit’s discography is filled to the brim with absolute gems. This band will never reach as many ears as it should and it’s a shame.

FINALLY! This game was in dire need of a remaster. Now we’ll actually be able to tell what we’re looking at!

This may sound crazy, but if you loved everything about the older game and its playstyle... you can still play the older game with its playstyle. It will always be there. For something new, I can see why they’d want to modernize some aspects because that battle system is 20+ years old and they get to bring back

I mean, you could just keep playing the original. I was impressed by the combat on this.

Lost in all the feuding over the last episode, the final scene between Jaime and Tyrion was GoT at its best. That is what a powerful scene feels like when it’s been earned.

There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.

Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”

I remember getting the EGM with their first drop of FFX-2 news, and the main image was Yuna in asscheek-hanging booty shorts.

This episode of AV Club Undercover sucks. 

22 years.

Speaking of waiting 22 years, when are we getting that FF IX retrospective, Jason??

Yeah, I get how it’s significant and all, but it’s the most “meh” significant port ever. I haven’t thought of Square being Sony exclusive for years now. What was it, FF Crystal Chronicles that was Square’s official return to Nintendo consoles? And since then, between multi-platform titles and ports and Nintendo

Okay, important question: Will there be an actual, detailed plot this time, or will it be another pastiche of half-realized character portrait stories that only barely knit themselves together?

Full disclosure: I own—and loveOctopath Traveler, but the primary quality that recommends it is its incredible battle system

In this, I think Nomura may have vastly overestimated his abilities as a storyteller.

I’d be happy if Nomura and his team could somehow...





...make Pete and Maleficent relevant to the progression of the game. Their entire contribution felt like nothing more than sequel-baiting, and in a game that—frankly—reads like a half-finished

I mean, I’ve seen reddit threads about the source code being lost, as well as mentions from Eido’s president in Polygon’s Oral history of FFVII, so it looks like there’s some truth to that. They did reverse engineer VII for Steam, albeit unevenly (I guess VIII was based on the original PC version).

There’s also been

I heard that he’s sharing the cabin with Gabe Newell, who is hard at work on Half-Life 3.