
I hate Chadley so much. With one exception.

In the Queen’s Blood tournament, he gets some real backhanded snotty insults/taunts that I loved. Likewise, beating that fucker into the ground via a card game was vastly gratifying.

I got 40 points. He got zero. It was the most validated I’d felt the entire game

Best entry point is probably 6 (or 10, depending on how important graphics are to you.) 6 isn’t my favorite FF, but it’s a super solid overall complete package that still holds up well even by today’s standards, making it a good starting point for someone who’s not already a fan of the series.

X for sure.  It’s both modern enough and old enough.  Right in the middle of the franchise and one of the best entries.

I’m actually relieved. From the title I assumed they showcased a Demon Wall and was already sweating anxiously in anticipation.

for real. I felt attacked by this.

“Looks like the most popular choice is to say the episode had no purpose.”

Coming to say the same thing.  

Spores still existing, but not being an active threat usually, fits with our interaction with fungi in the real world. Our lungs are really good at fighting off spores - we’re constantly inhaling them - they only generally become a threat if your immune system is compromised.

Our immune systems *aren’t* great at

I can’t speak to outlets’ decision on what and what not to cover, but the terms Ted Cruz himself has laid out for us all is that what would seem to be personal family matters (whether, when, and under what circumstances to have children, what recreational activities to take your children to, what medical care to

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

Dude Valisthea isn’t a real place. They can make it however they want to make it. You can’t point to the pretend world you made up and say “sorry, it’s not us, that place just has no minorities!” Their only saving grace might’ve been that the story they’re telling us about racism and that’s why, but if you’re just

War of the Lions with the slowdown cleaned up when, though?

Normal-types are immune to ghost-type attacks, so that’s an extra immunity it didn’t have, and it also means this guy will get STAB (same type attack bonus) for normal moves. Also, because poison resists fighting, it cancels out the only weakness it would gain as a normal type, so it basically gets those pros without

The immediate reasons that come to mind are -

Normal is for more... “animal” kinds of pokemon, generally (obviously exceptions like regigigas). An aye-aye is a real critter so normal makes sense, and poisonous paint is a fairly appropriate twist.

As far as competitive, normal types typically have a pretty broad movepool, especially the early ones (while not

There are two types of pokemon trainers:
1. I love Chandelure because it’s a haunted chandelier.
2. I hate Chandelure because it’s a haunted chandelier.

Also, thank GOD this wasn’t in slideshow format.

At least this isn’t a slide show.

Just off the top of my head, and in reference to your main point, both were the children of Gods (in Achilles, a demigod, and Baldr, a full god), who were granted immense power if not outright invulnerability save for one weakness brought about by the rather careless actions of their doting mothers (Baldr being weak

Did they fix the backgrounds when you are up on the scaffolding or in the distance?