I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.
I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.
No toothbrush needs bluetooth. No toothbrush company needs to siphon data through my toothbrush.
No toothbrush needs bluetooth. No toothbrush company needs to siphon data through my toothbrush.
Is there any actual evidence of this? The bot names don’t always gray out in the game stats, that’s always been the case, so these screenshots are not evidence of overfilled games. You’d have to actually see the oversized team in game or in a Theater recording. Otherwise you’re just perpetuating false rumors from…
Why not just have the ball spawn in a random location?
I’m sorry, but did you just try to apply physics to Fortnite?
Until the U.S. improves its Internet infrastructure, I can’t see cloud gaming being enough to not need a Series X for most people.
As opposed to a benevolent third party?
They could use the PS4 ports though.
Heck no! Lol. I primarily play on the Xbox one and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been knocked out by a high profile PC streamer. My friends and I are all on consoles.
“Look at the new Saints Row in action!”
I’ve seen cheaters claim that they deserve to win because they paid more. I’ve heard of cheaters having “cheater only” matches where everyone cheats in the most egregious ways possible, and the person who paid the most for their cheats usually wins. Unsurprisingly, these people made a lot of their cheating money…
I..I..for the life of me cannot wrap my head around the idea of wanting to cheat at a multiplayer only game, let alone battlefield, a game if you play enough you can kind of find your niche(Medic,gunner, sniper, tanker etc). Miserable muthafuckers, the sheer stupidity of it is also dumfoundering. Ok, so I pay at least…
And the motorcycle mission. Unless we love hearing “ all you have to do is follow the damn train CJ” over and over again.
I’ll hold judgement until I can test it, but for now I’ll say.
Good for Microsoft. Personally I’ve found the Xbox libraries lacking the last gen or two, but I am impressed with how they’ve been doing the slow march towards this kind of cross-device, console-less ecosystem, no doubt driven on by a few internal champions thinking long-term rather than short-term.
My literal face the entire ending. Just giant tears. It’s over, Drake is a hot dad, his daughter is a perfect sassy mix of them. Sully and Sam are Tango and Cashing it around the world as crazy grandpa and uncle. There’s a dog and a beach and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh