Something about the eyes just prevents me from taking smoky goth Megamind seriously.
Something about the eyes just prevents me from taking smoky goth Megamind seriously.
The modder should be happy that CDPR spread their work throughout the community and didn’t let it get muffled. Treat it like a badge of honor and not an axe wound.
Well I guess I’m toxic because I use it as a “good game” emote when the game is good.
At the very least, there needs to be a way to reconnect/rejoin in DMZ... having someone disconnect near the end of a very successful round with no way to get back in has ruined plenty of nights for my friend group.
Aw jeez.
You fell off a lot of cliffs, didn’t you?
Luke, every year you make the same claim and every year I want to scream at you: TIE Fighter is superior to Dark Forces in every way. I will argue this until the day I die.
i’ve also noticed that with the update i’m having a harder time SEEING players. I’m very taken by the graphics and everything looks very lush, but it’s also harder to notice people, specially when they have subtle skins.
I find the people bunny hopping without losing accuracy more annoying.
If so, just start playing the Jaws theme on repeat
I didn’t expect them to buff Sombra so much.
I’m not a regular CoD player, but I have played in the past. Any action game that requires you to stare at a minimap is lame. It always sucks to feel like “oh I didn’t know that guy was there cause I wasn’t staring up at the corner of the screen”.
Let’s be real; in the year of our lord 2022 anyone who wants to see the presentative in the UK can still pretty easily find it.
The biggest argument for forums is that if I go to Google or DDG and type in:
Oh, there’ll be drugs. After watching a few rounds of this game, I’m pretty sure there’s enough Adderal going around to contaminate the ground water.
depends on what business’ and where it’s located on the map. I grind the bunker in a solo lobby and works great but most will say the Cayo Perico DLC heist is best solo grind. Fun heist and can be done solo. Net’s a mil and a half I think.
Basically, I blame the people who pushed this out the door to hit a release schedule a lot more than I blame the people who worked through a pandemic to actually make it.
Yeah, all I could think reading this was “why isn’t it like that already?”. These aren’t radical new ideas, they’re age-old commonplace measures that you expect every multiplayer game to use these days.