“Great! I finally got the newest system!!....What? They are releasing a better one now? Fuck!”
“Great! I finally got the newest system!!....What? They are releasing a better one now? Fuck!”
The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge
but.. the final boss..
I believe it’s from Megas XLR.
Sigh...why is the best “the united states gets invaded by another country” game still Freedom Fighters?
Totally, I just want an excuse to play it more. The content it has for now is too tired for me and my friends to muster another run but next expansion pack I will almost certainly be on.
One of the greatest and most frustrating parts of any raid. Love it. Should every first person game not ever have platforming? Well plenty have it.
Never played but as a game designer this made me laugh. At the same time I don’t blame the designers, I blame producers.
Not to mention the child-like living room mechanics in Prison of Elders. It’s like as if a developer asked their 4-5 year old on what to do in one of the Hive boss levels. “MAKE THE GROUND LIKE LAVA!”
I just hope someone makes better use of “420BrosephStalin420" than I did.
I like Jose Bautista quite a bit, but apparently I like him getting punched in the face even more.
“1080p my CPU couldn’t keep up”
Just played a couple of hours after checking back in with Doom 1, 2, and 3.
Is there a way to disable the finishers (besides avoiding them entirely)? They really seem to slow down the flow of gameplay by pulling you into a precanned animation for 2 seconds.
The Halo fanbase will probably rip me a new one for saying this, but Halo Reach has by far my favorite single player campaign out of the Halo games.
Deus Ex: HR has been on there for awhile now hasn't it? I've had it loaded up for months.
I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.