
it’s most nasty when used on players expecting to have a big turn 6 play when the user hasn’t filled their locations already.  it’s not devastating but at the least it’s an extra 4 power card on the board in addition to whatever the other player drops being mirrored on their side so it can be like playing 2 6 cost

no.... ;)

i know this spot, it’s just south of ahkdar village and al sharim pass. for whatever reason the train slows down there and there are tons of AI along the track. if you’re not in the box car, you’ll get very shot up, if you’re in the box car, you’ll still probably take some damage from wall bang shots but not nearly as

tie fighter gang till i die, as a kid who was raised on NES, MS-DOS games that had to be loaded off of a stack of multiple 2.5" floppies that sometimes required a boot disk to run properly and original trilogy star wars movies, tie fighter and wing commander are S-tier games to me.

Honorable Mention to the Newsroom because it was 80% great writing and acting and 20% cheesiness

similar affects with kamar-taj location and it interacts well with wong and odin too. play on turn 3, wong on turn 4, odin on turn 6 to see some serious shit.

same here, i figure by the time this season is about to wrap up, i’ll have seen every inch of the map so much that it’ll get much easier to pick people out but for right now, anyone outside of 20 yards to me may as well be wearing ghillie suits.

While i’ll agree with anyone that says best looking” is often a combination of technical and artistic talent, the technical side of what UE 5.1 can do with ray tracying and virtual geometry replacing the need for pre-baked LoD is damn impressive. I’ve been checking it out on my series x and can honestly say the

unintended subtext to this article, next year it’s legal to fuck your 360's

yeah the whole full sprinting out and flying through the air while turning 90 degrees and immediately locking onto my head midair vs me carefully and deliberately trying to pie a corner feels like the hottest bullshit imaginable.

as someone who has disabled voice chat in just about every multiplayer game i play, this actually sounds useful enough to turn back on for warzone.  please tell me it starts out quiet and gets louder as they get closer

i’m not gonna lie, i’ve complained about SBMM especially when i’ve seen how a game feels before and then how it feels after. If it helps new players find their footing in a great game a little bit easier after other people have spent months or years mastering it, I think it’s a net positive. If it zaps all the fun out

In a world full of back of the box hyperbole and superlatives combined with bullshot marketing images and the fact that the RMAH was such a travesty for a game about making the numbers go up, it’s hard to imagine someone taking Blizzard to task over them removing it after the fact, but then i look around at the

i just started playing this last week and it rips. I had no idea quicksilver wasn’t the way it is now. my only gripe with the game and it’s a minor one is the locking of gameplay relevant items like cards behind the paid version of the battle pass. I just hope that they’ll be earnable after the battle pass via random

Does anyone else get the tiniest chuckle when partnering with influencers for free publicity blows up in the faces of the people attempting to do it?

Now playing

Ever since i saw this skit, i can’t read or hear the word “Bustin’” with regard to the ghostbusters in any other context. Thank you for hilariously poisoning the memory of one of my childhood jams Alex Moffat.

if there’s one thing i hope becomes a standard from this point forward, it should be custom controller options.  the ability to remap buttons, change deadzones and calibrate sticks should not be an extra feature, it should be necessary tool built in to the console.

100% pure, uncut facts you speak.

i get the urge to be respectful but it is possible in the year of our lord 2022 that we can have 2 things that don’t affect eachother in slightest. if anything, i think games can be a valuable distraction to people in a time of mourning or turmoil. Just my thoughts.

idk, i’m willing to give this game a chance even if i’m just a fringe rick and morty appreciater. Some of this makes me chuckle, some of it makes me grit my teeth but not many other games do this kind of weird and the look of it feels fun for at least a single trip through. definitely YMMV situation.