
If you’ve gotten yourself banned from the local mall because folk are concerned about whether you use it as your local cruising spot to troll for minors to sexually assault, you might be a pedophile.

Two Corinthians walk into a bar...

I grew up in a county in Alabama which had/has the most churches per capital in the state. I was a fundamentalist evangelical Christian as a teen, surely a tedious bore even to my religious classmates, and a general pain in the ass to everyone around me. I policed the actions of my entire family, and my only friends

Why isn’t the Senate Intel Committee looking into the Fake News Networks in our country to see why so much of our news is just made up?

I think he sprained a scarf.

Ladies and Gents:

I have been looking for this glorious social media gaffe to show up on Jezebel today because it has consumed my life. So. This happened to NPR. Someone meant to post something to his personal page, but he posted it to the NPR page. The problem is that this happened yesterday, and it’s been such a shitshow of a couple

Remember, literal Nazis protesting are “some good people,” but these guys are sons of bitches.

Players: “We are protesting racial disparity, racial injustice, and systemic oppression.”

“What do you get when your pres. is a creep?”

With a name like Smelcer he had to be bad.

If you get any joy out of advocating police violence you should not be president.

If you get ANY joy out of being violent you should not be a police officer.

“people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time.”

Nah, it’s just an apprentice Master of the Universe trying to please the Alpha he worships and admires, which means constantly being belligerent and never apologizing. This is some fucked up way of him working on his daddy issues.

With all due respect, can we stop with this “changing the narrative” shit? Healthcare, Russian collusion, and everything else isn’t going anywhere. Other stories regarding this administration’s stupidity might be “trending” (ugh) certain days and times, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten everything else that’s

This is a good take by Pelosi. Heaven Forefend, the Democrats might actually learn to keep their eyes on the prize! Great day in the morning — it’s like a full-size spare tire!

No, no you haven’t always said this. Your position on this changes with the moon. You don’t get to claim any sort of wisdom or conviction by throwing shit at that wall and claiming one of the only horrendous positions still viable is what you have been advising all along.

America is the estranged and bitter teenager who just lectured Europe-Mom for being a drunk divorcee, slammed the car door, yelled “I’ll never be like you!”, reversed out of the driveway, and straight into a passing bus.