But Hillary was a member of the party. Do you not see the difference here?
So you see the point. He is literally not a Democrat.
Bernie Sanders is not a member of the party so has no role in it unless he becomes a member and remains there even if he loses elections.
People continue to ask why women do not report their sexual assault and harassment by men.
Morally banktrumpt?
We all know the Marine Core fought bravely at the Bowling Green Massacre.
The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so…
He thinks due process is how they make Velveeta...
The $7.5 million was paid to the manicurist he raped. Ergo nail fungus.
Crossing the border “irregularly” just makes me picture people doing it sideways and with their back arched, like when my cat gets the zoomies.
He’s basically the living embodiment of Eric Cartman.
I’m a picture framer...people come in from cruises to frame Kinkead prints “they got for such a deal.” I have no idea what kind of machine is behind the Thomas Kinkead brand but his heirs are rolling in it-cruises, kiosks, art magazines, ugh. I suck it up and frame their stuff and just think they #1- are idiots for…
My sister and her girlfriend can, as of about an hour ago, be more accurately referred to as my sister and her fiancée! Barf on that, Trump and Haters!
My dad sent me this tweet with the caption “remember when you did this to me?”
I’m sure all of those pages are blank and Trump will just throw them out. He won’t even bother to recycle it either.
So? I’m honestly unclear on how this is a criticism (if that is what it is?).
No one expects the mannish inquisition!