
Thank you

My new favorite insult: chucklefuck . Thanks!

Our former neighbor, the high school choir teacher, divorced his wife and married his former student the minute she graduated from college.

I am 64- This is my current Facebook status: I was the third person in my district to vote this morning. My hand shook and my heart pounded when I filled in the oval for the Clinton Kaine electors. My vote is for me, and it’s for my country. But even more than that, my vote is for my four granddaughters, and for my

I’ve had a full size Alexa for over a year- I love the shopping list function, though she often thinks I want to buy English Muffin Mold (rather than English Muffin Loaf). I like the music channels too. But I got her when she was still $99 and you had to wait 6 months for delivery, and I had gift cards, so I only paid