
“Trump has no ties with Russia”

Serious question: do y’all go out of your way to find photos which make Eric and Donald, Jr. look bad, or is that just how they look? I’m guessing the latter, but I just wanted to check.

Forgive me if I stole this from someone, but...

ANGELA: “And THEN this motherfucker Trump said...”

I mean, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Steve Bannon has a corrosive personality but this crosses over into “ai-eee-eee-eee” territory.


My only regret is that I have but one star to give.

He was making acid wash jeans.

The problem is that getting adequate healthcare in the US is not at all the same thing as saving up to buy a new car.

Once again, Uncle Stevie wins Twitter.

“I watched a movie the other night, great movie - the director is a fan of mine. So I watched this movie, it’s a spy movie you know. Espionage, treason, henchmen - the whole nine yards, ask anyone. And so I watched this movie and there’s this scene with this actor, I can’t remember his name, but he’s a great actor.

This tweet is everything.

I must add that I’ve been able to piece together this much of the story in just the last 3 hours (THAT MANY sources have been talking!). Imagine how much dirt - including what’s in all these FBI/CIA/NSA case files - is yet to come this week.

This is a whopper of a mistake by Trump. The Feds had him (and his mob family) under investigation for some time, with respect to Russian money laundering. A year ago, they sought a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump Tower but the judge refused it for insufficient evidence.

That is fantastic.


I dunno about you, but I’m already getting pretty tired of winning...

Still is declared valedictorian because the only other options were women.

My self employed friend who started chemo today is an American who views Obamacare with an all-time favorability right now.