
Spent most of this morning alternating between numb shock and crying so hard I started dry heaving. Many in my office were openly weeping as well. I feel like the country I love so much has rejected me and everything I stand for. Contemplated moving away. Threw myself into my work, and avoided all news media the same

Oh, here’s a laugh at my expense if anyone happens to need it :)

I’ve been trying to figure out all day how to word this.

I like the perspective you gave your comment. Positively inspiring. Thank you. Let’s have a million more just like you.

This is incredibly moving. Thank you.

Can’t say it much more eloquently than that. We vote not only for ourselves, but the future generations who will come after us.

love you gramma !

“...I was saying Poo-tin...”

Chills. Wow.

This made me a bit teary; what a wonderful post. This is where our focus should be today, on how exciting, historic, and belatedly progressive this election is.

His supporters show up at the polls with guns. I think booing is totally fair.

I have two daughters and you’ve brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

Aaaand now I’m crying. Thank you.

I should not have read that at work. Allergies. Yeah, allergies.

This made my day. Thank you.


Bumping simply because this is a beautiful sentiment and everyone should read it.

That’s lovely, OFG.

My grandmother is an 89-year-old, black woman. She doesn’t leave the house much anymore because she’s sick a lot but she got up to vote for Obama and she’s up today to vote for Hillary. It’s a blessing to be able to watch her experience such progress.