
I pray for Trump to step on a single Lego every Friday night.

Gawker Media started it, but let’s join in on the fun. Leave your humorous descriptors of “Former Republican presidential nominee and (BLANK) Donald Trump” below; it’s equal parts fun AND cathartic. A few (45 to be exact :-) to get started:

The grocery list is by far the best feature. “Alexa, add eggs to the shopping list.” BAM, eggs added. Then I can go to the store with my phone and voila, there’s my list on the Alexa app. Less paper, trees get saved and global warming reversed all because I used my Alexa app. You’re welcome China!

I try to always remember to use “please” and “thank you” with mine so that I am on the “leave alive” list when the AI uprising eventually takes place.

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

Well sure he has a penis and, as is abundantly clear to basically anyone who does not have one, a large percentage of the population thinks that having a penis is a requirement for the presidency. Look bottom line Biden would have had major issues if he had run. He’s said a lot stupid shit over the years, he’s been

She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire

Poor cows.

Holy shit, I want to steal that Dractually costume idea.

The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.

help us fight back.

I’m at work and I want to break things. It’s horrible. And I’m a guy.

This video made me cry this morning. This is a personal attack against every victim of sexual assault.

In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.