
Murai has also directed some excellent episodes of Legion, Westworld, and Atlanta, but please, don’t let me stand in the way of your desire to be condescending.

I think the part of the video that I find so compelling is that I’m fully aware that horrible stuff is going on in the background but even when I’m trying to I can’t focus on it.  I just keep getting pulled into the dancing and the “fun” and all that stuff.

Yes, and also, filming wrapped before the allegations came out.

God, I wanted to scream at the screen pretty much this entire episode. Every time June casually hung out near a window in broad daylight my brain was just !!!!!!

Obscure Reference Alert: Charlottes jail cell was a nod to Steve McQueen’s 2008 film “Hunger”.

“Baby, if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that I’m the rock in this family.” There wasn’t enough of Aly in these past episodes.

But he’s the President!

I dunno, maybe stop taking a clearly mentally unhinged man so seriously as a political pundit?

“Child lock, man.” “Hold up, I got you.” “Child lock.” “Can you unl... come on, can I get the fuck out please? Fuck it man, I got it. I got it... I’ll just.. I got it. Why you got to lock in the child?! Oh my god. That’s the window, man!”
“This place, um, has a vibe.” Darius is rubbing off on you,

Apparently my wife and I were 2 of 11 people who actually watched this show.

I thought this was going to be about cocaine.

Passion of the Christ 2: Back in the Habit

Nevertheless, fuck Scott Baio with a cactus, especially if it’s true.

This is bullshit. Everyone knows that Wonders Years was cancelled because Paul quit the show and became Marilyn Manson.

But Black Dynamite...I sell drugs to the community!

You done fucked up now, fiendish Dr. Fu!

what’s it like having shit taste that is informed almost entirely by your tortured political views?

Adding insult to injury, the episode poses another interesting idea that it almost immediately deflates...

Oh Debbie...did not one instructor in your welding class tell you to always wear steel-toes when working in industrial jobsites?