
So, when Hugh told Steven that he talked to Olivia as a coping mechanism, did that imply that the clean and friendly version of her that we’ve been seeing was his own fabrication? Or is she a for reals ghost?

A History of Violence would like to have a word with this article.

Brian Fallon’s new album is this month. I can’t be the only one excited for that, right?

I’m sure I’m just out of touch with the kids these days, but I’m not following what the problem with the check marks is. Isn’t the intended purpose just to distinguish that the account actually belongs to the person in question, so that you know you’re sending your death threats to the actual PR team of Taylor Swift

I only just watched this episode on Hulu last night, and wow, those Kevin Spacey jokes did not age well.

Winners will be notified by US Mail? Great, by the time your free passes show up, you’ll already be bored of seeing it repeated on HBO.

Tim Barry takes some really nice photographs that I always enjoy seeing.

The shrink is absolutely in on it. In the last episode he’s talking to a woman about her fear of being locked in closed spaces an hour before she’s locked in a closed space by the clowns. There’s no way that’s coincidental.

I’ll be playing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. I’m only about an hour into it, but so far it seems like it adheres to the usual quality standards of an Uncharted game, which is to say that it’s undeniably AAA. I have vague concerns that it might be a more brief experience than I expect, only judging by the list of

Nothingface because RIP Matt Holt.

You know, when I started here, I believed in what we were doing. But now I'm not so sure. But there is one thing I know. You're the biggest jag-off I've ever worked for, and I hope this place burns to the ground with you in it because that's exactly what you deserve, you nickel-and-dime chickenshit motherfucker! You

Also gotta go on record to say that I disagree with this review. This album is really great.

Can't believe I'm only just learning about this after the Philly show has been sold out.

I Could Talk a Preach for Hours

All of the episodes are on their youtube page.

Great article.

Counterpoint: No, it isn't. It's rated exactly right.

Bob Loblaw Lauds Demagogue.

I thought I was having an episode again. I also saw this movie what feels like a long time ago.

"I got a Google news alert for this?"