
So, we complain about the trend of movies bowing to audience expectations, and then we slam movies for not being as woke (or the wrong kind of woke) as we expect them to be?

A pack of wild dogs will attack and kill a wounded member.

Killing off famous guest stars in record time has been my favorite running joke in the series

Hota Kotb? That’s not a name, that’s a bad Scrabble hand.

And I ate the onion that was tied to my belt, which was the style at the time.

The 7th Guest should not be judged by the quality of the acting.

I know he did a lot of stuff that isn’t “PC” today, like goading people to murder— but let’s remember, that was a very different time.

Lena Dunham is such a monster. What kind of animal has friends in college that make offensive jokes? Also how could Lena not take responsibility for everything her friends did? Doesn’t Lena understand her importance? Why didn’t she use her powers to prevent everything bad from happening?

If anyone else has a story about a celebrity being a creep could they please hurry up and tell it asap, cause I don’t know if I can stand another solid month of these accusations dripping out one by one every single day. Can we just rip this bandage off already?

Verified accounts receive heightened visibility and perks such as content filters that non-verified users don’t. So by verifying white supremacists, you make their posts easier to see. Not to mention that handing out the checkmarks was done sometimes without rhyme or reason and with little transparency.

Now that Alabama is set to make a pedophile a senator, this whole pee tape thing seems kinda quaint.

That would make Bannon that giant cockroach wearing human skin, right? Checks out.

Okay, I’m now thinking that Trump is actually one of those little guys from the first Men in Black movie. You know the ones, they operate a robot shaped like a human which they operate from a chair in the head section. Trump is obviously a drunk one of those guys in a second hand body which is more busted up than one

This guy is for sure going to be diabetic or have a raft of endocrine disorders in a few years.

Witcher 3 has the best-developed and most interesting sidequests of any game of its genre I’ve ever played.

Okay...I just gotta jump in here with my own complaint...and it’s one thing that NOBODY ever seems to be bothered by. Those suspended ceiling grids and tiles CANNOT SUPPORT THE WEIGHT OF A HUMAN BEING! You cannot pull yourself up on there. You cannot crawl around on top of it. You would fall right through! It’s thin

This show has become *hysterically* terrible. When they are down to having radioactive zombies eat the cartoon of a tiger to try and generate pathos, you know it’s over.

Goddammit. I’m a bigger fan of the Patton era, but even those first two albums are the shit. Rest In Peace, Chuck. I’ll always care a lot.

As lot of people know her, dummy.

Pretty sure they mentioned it last week when it came out.