Miguel Sanchez

"Our business is to win games"

And those were just the times that I had to personally cover something up for Tank Johnson during 2004-06.

Those were supposed to be construction workers? I always thought it was three frat bros (or possibly Vanilla Ice and two of his posse) pretending to be Run-DMC.

Wait...there used to be a countdown clock? Why would they get rid of that? That's much better. I can see why you'd get rid of penalty kicks for regular season games, but countdown clock should make a comeback.

Kansas City Wiz > Sporting KC

I dream of a day cops don't immediately escalate to shooting someone when they could subdue and arrest him through less permanent means.

Where did I say he was innocent? I said he was unarmed, which he was. Please go read my other comments.

"You white libs"

They forgot "We have a black president so stop bitching"

Announcing that white folks freed the slaves (after enslaving them first) is a new one, though.

And oddly enough, none of them appeared to have brought their black friend to the game

Automatic assumption that black people don't have jobs. Check

And you get to feel superior and write a comment about Deadspin dissing the Cardinals and their fans. So you win, too!

Guys, let's not let a few vocal idiots distract us from what we already know to be true: Joe Buck is the worst.

Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.

In defense of the guy in the "Darren Wilson" jersey, he comes from a long line of assholes who murdered young black men.

One thing is for certain here: this sort of ugliness would never happen in Los Angeles. I mean, can you imagine anyone trying to stick up for the LAPD?

When it comes to vile, bigotry-laced protests based on racial inequality in the United States, act like you've been there before.

Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.