Miguel Sanchez

In Alaska they call this "campaigning".

I don't have an intense hate for Spurs the way I do for, say, Chelsea or United. But the Spurs have never threatened my favorite team, so.

I'm pretty sure Tottenham fans said the same thing when they hired George Graham, Glenn Hoddle and Andres Villas-Boas...

Everton is going to finish ahead of United unless Van Gaal finds a center back.

Seven years ago I willfully chose to support Aston Villa. The fuck is wrong with me?

No clue how Southampton stays up this season unless 3 other teams completely shit the bed.

Hull City didn't win the League Cup. They got into Europa as the FA Cup runner up. City beat Sunderland for the LC last year.

Are genital warts ELITE? #Debate

I don't take orders from the police. They work for me. Speak for yourself.

"That said, this isn't the first time I've heard things described like this, and this idea that you can simply ignore even an unjust order from police, rather than stating your objection and being willing to be taken into custody and force your lawyer to sort things out, is simply out of touch with reality."

two different nights. two different groups of people. looting on first night in different part of town. none on second when most of this shit went down.

The police were certainly complicit in letting his killer walk free.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

You should check out hockey.

I'm all for more subbing, but don't fuck with the way the game is timed.


Or... you could just leave football/soccer to people who already like it and stop trying to suggest changes to make it more like games that you like.

JIDF you don't even make sense.

Hitler was fucking right.