Miguel Sanchez

When the Israeli government knocks off the settlements and allows the Palestinians their fundamental human entitlement to freedom of movement, maybe then you will have gained enough moral high ground to engender some degree of sympathy in exercising self-defense in the event of armed resistance. That's where Sharon

Well...the way I see it, when you take someone's land from them by force, they may be somewhat inclined to resist. Not hard to understand. Now were I charge, I would be partial to non-violent civil disobedience, but that's just me...

I'm pretty sure plenty of non-Arabs have a huge problem with what Israel is doing. You know...like the UN Human Rights Council.

1,800-60. Maybe the game should have been called a while back.

What's yours?

"Really sorry about what's happening in Gaza"

"It makes him uncomfortable that he's not in Israel for the conflict"

When asked about his opinion on Hamas, Emmitt Smith replied that it's too garlicky.

He posted what Blatt said. He didn't add his own slant to it, he's reporting news. Look beyond your own biases.

Fuck this guy. As far as I'm concerned, there is no Israel; there is only Zionist-occupied Palestine.

Just no. To each there own, but I will never understand this grown man nerd fad.

Wtf is your point? Two 19 year old adult athletes (yes junior hockey is a big deal in these parts) influence a minor 15 year old child to not only have sex but video tape it also. Open and shut case of recording and dustributing child pornography! They are very fortunate they arent also being charged with statutory

Friedberg said he didn't consider the 15-year-old in this case to be a child.

"I don't really have any good advice here."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Ted Nugent."

Additional stats for Lefors:

1) We don't even know that Arianne isn't going to be in the show.

I found Arianne to be a bit annoying honestly. And she didn't seem very integral to anything in the end either (future books maybe).

Around the Cutler house they call it Measles on Wheels.