
How was Gibson’s conduct “similar” to what Spacey and others are accused of? I swear, we’re going to blur this conduct so badly that it’s going to make the right-wing backlash so easy... things can be reprehensible, bad, whatever. But it’s important to distinguish actions: Gibson was accused of using hate speech.

I might catch some flak here, but I’ll go for it. Does this make anyone else feel uneasy? We’ve used Franken as the posterboy of our ability to kill our own darlings, and now that we’ve managed to destroy his career — a career he would have continued to use to speak up for women — I feel like we’ve only managed to

Hey, you asked.

I agree with you, I just feel like the distinction should be noted. Saying “All men are trash” will NOT get you banned from Facebook. Nothing is filtering that combination of words, nor is any individual searching out like ideas. Having a post repeatedly reported is how you end up banned.

The bans are algorithmic based on reports, if my understanding is correct. The people are getting banned because they are being mass reported, not because of the thing they said that led them to be mass reported. It’s not as though some dude working at Facebook is scrolling through and sees a post that says “men are

...such a seemingly willful misreading...

“Comparing losing his job for encouraging Trump in the interview, even if he did just think it was run-of-the-mill misogyny and not assault, to women who claim to have been sexually harassed or assaulted by a man who’s now the most powerful person on the planet is an incredibly stupid thing to write.”

PBS? BS. It’s CBS.

You are a highly intelligent person. You went to Hopkins. You are a fellow historian. Do your self the credit of acknowledging that it wasn’t ALL victimization all of the time, and give ALL of the people of the past credit for having the agency to be bastards on their own behalf and that of their people. To do any

You got me there, pard. I hereby apologize for misleading you into thinking I am interested in your thoughts and opinions. Won’t happen again. We good?

I think you may have mistook my post for an invitation to discuss this further. It wasn’t.

Man, that horse you are riding on desperately needs some water.

Pretty sure nobody was planning to ask that, but everybody still appreciates your hot take. I’m not sure what we’d do without you to bravely tell us how it really is. Thank you for your service.

Yeah, WHAAATTT? is that?? Isn’t that literally the opposite of journalistic integrity? The New York Times, from which Jezebel recycles a good percentage of its posts, wouldn’t be caught dead including a line like that in any article, anywhere, at any time.

Let’s not forget this!

I’ll speak for myself. I said all along that men are likely enough to commit sexual violence that I could believe it of anyone. I also thought rumours increased the likelihood. However, I also thought, and still think, that journalists should follow those leads to ground and then publish. NYT did that, and Jezebel is

I’d be praising the NYT right now, they’re the real winners.

I guess I don’t get how you can play the “we’re doing real journalism” card when the NY Times busted the story wide-open with 5 sources in what, a few weeks since the Weinstein stuff broke? And you’ve supposedly had it for years?

People have the right to tell their own stories when they are ready to tell them. Reporting those stories without their permission, reporting them as rumors or “open secrets” is unfair to the victims and can even undermine their story when/if they’re ready to tell it. It may actually cause harm to the victims. Why

No, as I’ve said before, if there is a rumor they should have jumped in with both feet. They should have gone to female comics and male comics. They should have talked with workers at comedy clubs and festivals. They should have made the fact that some rumors have been disavowed by women while stating that the fact