
Yes. Xe is.

No. I’ll freely admit to being wrong about Louis, but the nature of the previous non-stories were crap and deserved to be called out as the rumor-mongering they were.

Fellow woman here. Just wanted to chime in and say Oskennus’ and Dennis’ interest in direct examples is hardly outrageous or itself sexist. Your headline functions as your thesis; we click on it because we want details. Instead, you waste a lot of space with several paragraphs on the general background of the Batman

Er, I think you’re making a lot of assumptions there. I’m nothing if not expectant for misogyny to rear its ugly head, and I cheer on those critics with the integrity to call it out when they see it. I just want to know what exactly is misogynistic here, so that in conversation, when I say that I heard the book has a

That paragraph doesn’t really include any examples, though, just claims. I’m also wondering what it was in the book that led you to that conclusion.