

edit: not all ice cream....

You do realize that the Dems have a strategy with this, and it’s all ice cream and bicycles in Washington, and “we’re taking the high road” is useful inasmuch as it benefits those saying it?

oh, i get how it’s done. I still think if the writing staff had actually more diverse opinions, we’d be seeing a different result. But I get it, and I agree that they should have individual lists. But frankly, who comes to the Avclub for that anymore?

Is it gaslighting if he actually, y’know, doesn’t think he did some of the things he’s accused of?

The thing is, no, we won’t be getting to them in time.

This isn’t about morality. This is the Dem’s playing politics. It’s always ever been that.

I know. I know. It’s fine. I’m fine. IT’S ALL FINE.

That’s really not my point.

And as long as I’m kind of screaming into a void at this point — what does St. Vincent have to do with Bell Witch or K. Lamar or Bjork? What elevates one over the other? How are they even comparable? Ugh, I hate this time of the year, and I also hate my inability not to click on this shit when I know I’ll just end up

Good lord. Another list that will look like every other list from Pitchfork to Spin to Stereogum. I’m not saying all of these picks are bad (I mean I haven’t heard the majority of them) but that they’re so goddamn predictable. And of course, the only metal album is yet another highly overrated doom record; why is it

Fwiw, that didn’t come off as a complaint at all. Things tend to be taken with very thin skin around here.

Yep. I was never a fan of the Keillor led version, but I don’t think he’d ever attempt that.

Have you heard him do a medley of “gangsta rap” while playing his mandolin?

I didn’t know that was a meme, actually. I still don’t care.

I didn’t think it was possible, but I actually find Chris Thile more insufferably smarmy than Keillor. I had no idea it could actually get more white than it already was. Burn it all down.


Glad someone wrote this. Chavez’s last line is such a seemingly willful misreading of the Bush’s writing. I’m no Billy Bush fan (does he have fans?), and despise Trump and the malignancy he represents, but the slanting to this is so poorly argued and immediately moot. Avclub could you just try to pretend you have

I trust Mr. V on this one, and not simply because I share a common taste in film... it just doesn’t seem to make sense as a film. Is there a interesting film in there? Sure, but I don’t trust Franco to find it.

Honestly, I’d take Walter Hill over Tarantino any day. How about that for a hot take? I wish he would’ve gone over On the Edge, a personal favorite, and one of the few leading man roles he had in the 80s. Great random roles either way!