
William Raymond

@Whitney: No

THANK YOU. I thought there was something wrong with me when I mistook it for a still from an Easter themed horror movie.

Using a loved one’s struggles with mental health against them?

You don’t, actually, for most courts! There are no actual spelled-out qualifications for becoming a Supreme Court Justice, even, no educational requirements, no age limit, no requirement to be a citizen, nothing. Technically, you could appoint a kitten to SCOTUS if you could get the Senate to consent.

A+++ Seattle Joke, would lol again

Trump’s smile is gravity’s new rainbow.

I mean “hope I don’t offend anyone” doesn’t really mean much when you then go on to characterize all people with several different disorders as impossible to have lasting healthy friendships with. Making sweeping generalizations about people who share a single trait in common is the definition of prejudice. That’s

it should be the $7.8 bill

John Oliver didn’t even mention the best part! When Trump sends him the pictures of his hands circled in gold sharpie saying: see, not so short, the writer sends them back with a note: actually, quite short.


He loves the park!

My sister lives in Florida (an unfortunately is a state employee so has to deal with a lot of his bullshit) and we literally always call him that. “Did Voldemort cut your budget again? I’m sorry”

I don't know you but I love you.

Said it before and will say again: literally don't care who is on the Dem ticket. I was and am a Bernie supporter but I would vote for Voldemort at this point over any of the fuckwits on the other side.

Let’s file a class-action suit!

How much do you guys wanna pay me to write a Jonathan Franzen novel? It’s about a dissatisfied upper-middle-class white genius who doesn’t feel challenged by his wife. But it’s really about, like, America.

Trump fan: It’s clearly illogical to do this “guilt by association thing because we can play it all day long.