
At this point I think they’d be grateful to cram it back into subtext instead of Trump continuing to make it an overt, blaring, neon billboard in twelve-foot-high letters.

I love how he manages to distinguish Democrats as separate from "the American people", like we are just a bunch of un-American interlopers who deserve to be brow-beat by the GOP because we managed to get a black dude in the White House.

Sometimes those boys really are very sweet though. A lot of those boys are my students. The fact that the teacher can’t tell a parent what is being done about it doesn’t mean nothing is being done.

I like her. I like a lot of people that we’re told not to like for various reasons. Generally I just enjoy the breadth of humanity one comes across every day. We’re pretty fucking amazing.

I totally agree with you.

I thought she was hacked. Either that or Kanye took over.

Does anyone have any good movie recommendations? I’m a cinephile (and a film major) and I feel like I have seen every single movie worth watching, even though I know I haven’t. The only genre I don’t like is horror movies. Thrillers I’m fine with, but any horror movies except for the classics just make me feel icky. I

See, I see this differently than you. I am at the very tail end of Gen X beginning of Millennials. And to me these videos feel like a step back because I remember the 90's/beginning of 00's as being big on experimentation. At least in the alternative scenes, especially in my town. Remember when seeing a rocker in a

Some intern is absolutely killing it tonight.

I took a measure of solace from its basic ideas. (I didn’t read the book but just heard her in a video talking about the method.)

Yeah I have read some Bible-related stuff lately and yes, very much this, and he would have been sincere but also visibly smug about it. He was SUCH a douchebag.

Sorry Neil but Jesus is almost certainly voting Meretz.

I hear he’s heavily funding camel/eye of needle research...

If you’re at a rally and black students get kicked out and you don’t walk out, too, you’re a damned racist. The rest of the audience is all guilty in my mind.

I honestly do not believe that this has to do with the South but with the Trump campaign.

Why should he have to buy a ton? The point is to encourage entrepreneurial skills (that’s what they told me for all 10 years of being Girl Scout). Selling to one dude, yes, could do that, but not really. It’s about interacting with the public, which is why you see Girl Scouts at your local grocery stores Maximum # of

For anyone else this would be very bad publicity, but Trump’s fanatics eat this up with fork, spoon and knife.

Who would’ve thought purported Christians would have forgotten that Manichaeism is HERESY?

I admit I might be biased because I identify as an atheist, but I have trouble accepting the idea that religion is so important that it needs to be accommodated as much as possible. I understand not discriminating against people for their religion, and providing reasonable religious accommodations at a person’s place