“It’s about ethics in solicitation journalism.” - Houston Nutt
“It’s about ethics in solicitation journalism.” - Houston Nutt
I was really disappointed I missed the Jets “This is why your team sucks” but then I remembered that every day is that for me.
I still get the Panthers mixed up with the Jaguars.
I’m trying to imagine Chris Martin saying “Damn, Gina!” in his thick English accent, and it’s killing me.
Wow. That’s actually kind of hilarious and brilliant and terrible and horrific. Well done I had a visceral reaction to that.
I hate that I laughed at that. Literally, out loud.
My favorite thing about the Chargers is their constant ability to do just enough to provide a bit of hope then shoot themselves in the dick when things start to go well. I predicted the loss to the Browns a month out. It’s in my comment history somewhere but I take no pride in it; that’s like predicting the sun will…
Europe is full!
Kroenke drove an evictee to suicide? I bet he lost exactly one second of sleep over the news.
Holy shit, Rams fans are boring.
Wait, the Rams have already played a season in Los Angeles?
He chased them with queso!
Well he had to punch down at someone because lord knows punching up isn’t his forte.
Im surprised he actually did anything before scarfing down those nachos.
Didn’t know his name was Kyrie Brutus Irving.
Thats what you get for staying in the key for more than 3 seconds.
Do it; you won’t regret it. After they took away the Rams I got my Sundays back last fall...it’s kind of awesome.
Today’s press release came from Square Enix PR, which means that Square Enix has some hand in publishing, which likely means that at least the PS4 version is coming here. In contrast, Square Enix PR had nothing to do with games like DQIX and Bravely Default, which were both developed by Square but published by…
Kids today, smh. I realize this might not get you a lot of ‘likes’ on social media but when I was younger we’d record ourselves doing ‘drive-by fundamentals challenges’ on people’s driveways. Can you execute a sound chest pass? Can you correctly switch on D? Can you box out for a rebound? And then we’d take the VHS…