

What’s the worst that could happen!?!?

I think this Rabbids game is going to be good. Nintendo, for all its faults, can take a genre and polish it to a mirror sheen.

I hate Mayweather, but that fight in no point was in dispute. He could have ended it whenever he pleased.

Tío Tomas ass mother fucker.

Because too much of Republic politics is White Supremacist or at least White Supremacist adjacent.

The biggest controversy is that he is rated 83. He’s a glorified spot up shooter that was at the right place at the right time. Steph and Klay paid for that wedding.

This is honestly dope. I don’t know that name, which means he is expendable. For him to at least put his career in jeopardy is commendable.

That’s what will always strike me about that documentary. His belief that his rich neighborhood would rally around him.

I think this a good hire. At least Trump knows where the greatest threat to agriculture is at any time. This man could eat us into another Dust Bowl.

There is a section of liberal thought that believes people just need to be educated. I think, at some point, a person is too far gone for reason. In such a case, the only hope is to beat some sense into them.

I sincerely thought he had been dead for years.

Shit, this was West Coast Latino shit 10 years ago. I had for probably seven years (I have thick and straight as hell hair that is impossible to style otherwise). Really since the raise of Trump and the “alt-right” I have been growing out my hair. It’s just not the same.

The lesson, as always: White Supremacy ruins

That’s because they were tempted! We all stray from the path of baby Jesus. Except when it’s the same exact situation but you agree with them.

If only he had given it some prayerful consideration.

Sanctimonious bulllshit for you, understanding for me.

Complicated is your friend who drinks a little too much sometimes and makes an asshole of himself, but is a really good person and probably dealing with some difficult issues in their life.

Not complicated is your racist uncle who has cancer of the personality that the whole family wishes would fuck off already.

“Hey guys! Just here to give you some dating tips based on my own bad experiences!”

*Lists a bunch of bullshit*

*Fails to realize the only common thread among all that is his own existence*

Maybe baseball should just be pooches running around a field?

It would be a massive improvement.

Further upending his stupid as shit position: The overwhelming majority of Spaniards that colonized (obliterated) the Americas were from southern Spain. Making them closer to North Africans and Moors.

As dumb as this idiot is, the dudes with clearly Polish or Eastern European last names advocating Nazism is some head