
You’re not talking about a a political alignment- that sounds more like morons who think society should be burdened with maintaining their existence just as much as they are.

YES. Put the oscar lineups on Netflix and I’ll burn through them in one weekend.


“I will say, some people are just pieces of shit, and they do drugs because #yolo or they think it’s cool or they simply want to do so, without a genetic predisposition, poor mental health or trauma.”

It sounds like your pushing your personal stuff onto the whole issue. I’m not saying being an asshole and using are mutually exclusive, but they are independent of each other.

Please don’t perpetuate the myth that anyone uses because they’re bad people.

A lot of the meth in Arizona/New Mexico/California does come from Mexican cartels.


I like them just for the psychology, too, if someone’s self actualized enough to have an interesting perspective on it. Kat is not.

Carrying humans on your back>>>>>>>>getting shot of for your tusks all day every day.

Nooo. I’m still clutching onto my dreams of getting that Spacey D.

In California, it’s considered assault if you don’t inform someone you have a known blood born illness before engaging in an activity that could transmit it. i.e sharing needles, sex, blood oaths, vampirism, etc.

And yet, they still are the only carrier who can’t find the door to my duplex, even with the most detailed delivery notes possible.

I wish a crackpot prosecutor would go after this guy on sexual abuse charges, and at least get him on the sex offender registry.

Ah, I thought you were asking because of the idiom- I was just repping, you weren’t rude.

YUP. Deep South Florida panhandle American.

I know right? A cure for her cancer is not the same as being able to reverse the fatal damage that it’s already done. And even if they could, who’s going to foot the bill? Cause you know the pro bono guinea pigs would be the perfectly preserved corpses who just ODed on some sedatives.

How do we send this hate directly to this woman?

I keep having this dream where Donald Trump dies before the electoral college votes. And then somebody gives Hillary the win because she won the popular vote.

People should know this by now- historically Joanna’s awful articles are actually just awful jokes.