2nd degree manslaughter has a comparitively low burden of proof, so hopefully it’s pretty open and shut.
2nd degree manslaughter has a comparitively low burden of proof, so hopefully it’s pretty open and shut.
LNo, they come prefilled so you have to be in a MJ friendly state”0. You just screw them on one of those cheap vapes you get at gas station and toss it when it’s out.
Idk why anyone would use a dry herb vape anymore. Those disposable e-cig cartridges (a la kurvana) are much easier.
I’m familiar. Id say people’s willingness to apend all the fire and brimstone with something a bit gentler reinforces my point.
So a literary metaphor, and one story where no one was like “damn Jesus, your right! Sorry for trading coins here.”
I wasn’t talking about you? My point was, the sensitivity itself isn’t the issue, it’s people knee jerk reaction.
Bad news- the drug industry doesn’t care anymore about peddlers than than the law. So you can’t pretend the golden chalice was stolen just so a white man can drink from it.
I think the country needs a Florida cracker boot camp. Like, dropped in a rural Kissimmee trailer park. Pretty sure people would forget about the minorities and their phones when they see the whites and their new trucks, dogs, big tvs, booze, meth, an dust off.
Gotta say, aggression, whether towards something deserving or not, is alienating to basically everyone not on the same track.
Fucked up my last reply, continuing:
Your right, I read a flipped statistic on the 80% black male Hillary voters wrong. Latino men were 33%.
“If it was about misogyny they wouldn’t have voted for him.”
I think it’s absurd to discount the sexism though. 58% isn’t an “overwhelming” percentage of white voters, not to mention a chunk of those where whites who didn’t typically vote. If their motivation was perdominantly racial, I think we would have seen these people voting against Obama in the ‘08 & ‘12 elections.
I’m wearing a Bernie Sanders sweatshirt. #BernieOrBust
This is really awful, but here it goes:
When I read
She trashed her own dignity when she got violent over some petty bullshit. And I know, she’s bipolar, and may not’ve been in control of her emotions, but she should’ve chosen to express them differently. Breaking furniture or verbal attacks would’ve been 100x better. And if she can’t even redirect her actions to that…
I had an IUD AND used the pullout method out of paranoia. Still ended up with a kid.
I know this will never win, because STILA STILA STILA (which I can get behind for a cat eye), but Too Faced 3 way eyeliner is the bomb.com for tightlining. The tip(s) is very short and sturdy so you don’t end up with liner everywhere when trying to dot between lashes, and the design let you get more coverage much…
I know this will never win, because STILA STILA STILA (which I can get behind for a cat eye), but Too Faced 3 way…
Looks like he already tucked his right arm in to prep.