But then the izombie crew couldn't have solved a mystery based on confusion over that name. (That actually happened and it was awesome. Also, everyone should be watching izombie.)
But then the izombie crew couldn't have solved a mystery based on confusion over that name. (That actually happened and it was awesome. Also, everyone should be watching izombie.)
I sincerely hope that they include my asshole neighbor who can be seen here watering his lawn IN THE RAIN.
Seriously, dude.
Jesus christ. It should be illegal to own a pet that’s not spayed/neutered unless you have a license to breed your pets. I know that’s seriously unrealistic, but still. Get your fucking pets fixed.
No gonna try and speak to your experience or anything, but I’ve seriously never understood this “vegan dictating their life choices to others” archetype as anything but a paranoid fantasy of people who feel somehow attacked by the personal choices of others which in no way affect anyone else.
And it’s equally bizarre to think that a person having a bad night SHOULDN’T BE PAID.
I was the female equivalent of a “beta” (i.e. no dates, no boyfriends) for ages. My thought process: “What’s wrong with me?” Not my thought process: “hey, let’s kill some people.”
I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
Also, mentally ill persons are more likely to be VICTIMS of crime than PERPETRATORS. Just another argument to add to yours.
My friends and I have talked about how we all have contingency plans in our heads if this were to happen in our schools or workplaces.
Let’s guess what they’ll say about the shooter:
No shit. I had a guy tell me I had “found the fountain of youth” when I told him I was 30, I guess he thought I looked ‘young’.
I’m Latina. It’s really hard to offend Latinos, by the way. Our comedy tends to be much worse, and yes, even racist too.
For reference, I took this quiz months ago - it was one of those really involved ones where you answer lots of questions about your positions on lots of issues, and then rate how important that issue and position are to you. Here’s my result:
It’s assholes like him that make my sister try to convince me I’m a Libertarian. (“I’m NOT a libertarian, SisleyinCali. I believe in government intervention to improve the lives of the taxpayers who fund it. Trust me. And so do you, Ms. UniversalHealthcareIsObviouslyTheAnswer.”)
I felt like he was the closest thing to a voice of reason for most of the night, but that made me really uncomfortable .
TBF, Rand was arguably the only voice of reason re: national security at the 2nd Republican debate, with a stance that was basically, “Guys, cmon, we can’t bomb EVERYONE we don’t like.”
Let me tell you all of the times I got caught smoking weed (I am an adorable white blonde lady from an affluent family)