
Dayton is going to re-earn the Governor Eeyore nickname if he appoints Smith. And no way Ellison or Omar pull enough votes in the metro to offset the jack pine savage vote of rural MN.

Now playing

I’m not fancying it up, I grew up speaking French! It’s just a reflex to pronounce it “La KWAH.” The only way I can remember the correct pronunciation is by humming this song:

Currently re-reading the Handmaid’s Tale. It is bone-chilling.

I just explained the notion of tacking “Electric Boogaloo” onto any sequel to my 7 year old in hopes that she will pass on this element of culture to her peers.

Wisconsin still sucks.

I hope that venom is ethically sourced at least, and you don’t walk out of a salon with 500 bee butts dangling from your cheeks.

I find that people who grew up well off usually add some sort of exception “but my parents never told me how much we had so I didn’t grow up thinking we had money” or “but they always asked me what I was spending it on so it’s not like I had an unlimited account”.

That’s sea ice, which is frozen ocean. Article above is about an ice shelf, which is glacier ice (originally snow) that has flowed off land and is now floating on the ocean. They act differently, respond to different parts of the system, etc. Both are important of course, but just making sure we’re all on the same

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

So I was a vegetarian for many years for moral reasons, and people always liked to sort of pick fights with me about it along the lines of “well you don’t eat meat, BUT I BET YOU EAT SKITTLES AND THEY’RE MADE WITH HORSE BONES*” or “UR SHOES HAVE LEATHER IN THEM I BET” or whatever. Which, I mean, they aren’t wrong, but

I will miss Samantha Power in this role deeply.

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

Hell, Dubya’s gonna look like a fucking genius after 4 years of Trump.

Madeleine - Nicole & Keith have two daughters not one. I know most people only remember Sunday Roast but they have Faith Margaret as well.

Heh. Today, in Chicago (33 degrees and clear), I am wearing a sweater, a skirt, winter boots and no tights. I’m from Wisconsin — I don’t need tights until it hits zero, baby!

Michigander here. I’ll run outside as long as it’s double digits, and I actually prefer running in 20-30F weather to summer running. I do a run camp every year to train for a half marathon. Training starts mid-January.

I have a fascinating idea for a series called “Public Library”. Episode 1: a librarian with two advanced degrees is required to clean shit off the reading room chairs after management outsources the cleaning staff. Episode two: A staff member spend six months getting HIV tests after she breaks up two homeless men

well at the very least, he didn’t use the wrong email instead of the right email, so.