
I clearly remember my parents watching a video on NYE 2000 about how the world was going to end that year. They didn’t let us watch it, but we overheard a lot. When I got back to school from the winter break I was so depressed and unmotivated. I remember feeling like there was no point to life, why try, it was just

So, I know you’re joking and all, but I just wanted to add that as a former fundie there were many times in my childhood when I thought “I really hope the world doesn’t end before (insert event here)” Examples include: I get my braces off, I have my first kiss, I travel abroad.

Lucky for me, my mom and sister are chronic worriers, just like me! They get tested for everything, probably more often is medically necessary, and make sure my dad and BIL do too. But man, this just hit me in the feels. Gonna email my mom right now and tell her I love her!

My primary memory of South Dakota is twisting my ankle while falling off the curb and then landing on my face in a campground near Mount Rushmore. My parents were worried I would need stitches. I think I was like 7. Good times.

I am starring this because I also really want to know. WHO ARE THEY?

I only remember it as Avonlea. Perhaps the name was changed when it was distributed in the US?

Avonlea was one of my favorite shows as a child! I never made the connection between the director, Sarah Polley, and Sarah Stanley, but it did go off the air when I was still quite young and it exists in the foggy, barely conscious, young child memories part of my brain. Felicity and Cecily were names often given to

I am crying just reading about that...

I always wonder if identical twins who are actors can look back and tell who is playing in each scene? Like, the ones who start before they have memories. Obviously older kids would remember filming a certain scene. But, like, can MK and Ashley tell who is playing Michelle in the baby scenes? (I know they are not

Yeah, I did not mean to change the conversation. Sorry. I was just commenting from my experience that this is really prevalent, which is a separate but similar issue to racism. This article makes a good point about young people being just as racist as old people, we just don't believe we are. I also like what he says

I say hipsters and its a glib way of putting it; 20-45 white people (Midwesterners), fine on LGBT issues, fine on women's issues (but with misogyny in normal interactions), support POC when they go to vote. It's almost like they feel they have earned enough points to cash in on unacceptable behaviors.

My cats this morning did not even realize it was breakfast time. Normally they are walking over our faces trying to get food at the butt crack of dawn. But this morning they both just stayed cuddled up in bed. It made it really hard to get up... Also the fact that it was STILL DARK.

The teachers of WI can invade if they bring me Enigma , Scream IIPA and some squeaky fresh curds. But none of the boring Spotted Cow, please.

Tim Pawlenty was acting conservative the whole time he was running for president. I mean, he is conservative, but he is not nearly as conservative (or boring) as he claimed to be while seeking the nomination. And in person he can be intelligent, bordering on charming. Source: he spoke to one of my graduate school

"Left swipe dat" was probably the best part of the night....

Are you drunk? It's ok. I am too. But you aren't using punctuation anymore and I do not know if it because of alcohol or how boring this all is.

I did this in instant message form to my boss. But luckily I used no names and could have been talking about anyone. I made some story up about a particularly tough client that I was trying to complain about to someone else. She still got down on me for complaining, but at least she didn't know I was talking about

As someone forced* to road trip (TWICE!) through WI with a vegan, I can confirm that if this law is indeed real, it is not enforced.

My BF and I have opposite work schedules, so I have regular weekends off and he has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, usually.