
...or we have absolutely no idea what kind of women she is and whether she deserves our sympathy. We do know Trump is abusive to women and has been accused of raping his ex-wife so I’m going to guess he’s at least marginally verbally abusive and neglectful, if not worse. The fact that she agrees with his positions in

If by support you are looking for increased understanding among white liberals of the issues that black Americans face - yay - that is happening and likely to continue happening. With the internet and social media people are able to access others’ experiences (2nd hand of course) and empathize in ways they never could

Americans have always accepted the denial of rights to certain groups. America at it’s best fights against this.

We also have checks and balances. It’s true they are eroding. It’s hard to predict the future but Congress still has power. Gutting programs we like (going to happen) is a lot different than turning into an autocratic state. Republicans congresspeople still want power - they are not going to give Turmp absolute rule.

Kris could nag her to death. She is her mother.

He probably heard it somewhere and just latched onto it. And also was probably wanting the trucks to himself. My son is that age and will just pick something you or someone else said and talk about it for days.

Yes! I think that is the big issue with some of these areas where people are just ethnically segregated, they get all their “knowledge” on other groups from movies and Fox News - which is why media representation is so important. The friend example, I just felt that was an example of “ally-advice” that could go

This is also a really good example of why if you are part of “group X”, it is really hard to understand “group Y’s” experiences, especially if you are geographically or socially isolated from “group Y”. As you explained, the experiences themselves vary, and a person’s take on them varies.

To be fair, half the articles on Jezebel have a self-righteous takedown of the article’s subject in the comment section.

Have a million commentators pointed out that a blond white person is not the “neutral” molding before nationality is added? She doesn’t look anything like an African person, or Asian person, or Middle Eastern person, and so on.

This is why “being an ally” is tricky. There is no one right path. What to one person might be a great display of ally-ship to another is totally missing the mark. I’ve kind of just accepted that. I imagine there is also a time and place. A roundtable on race or gender relations is a great place to ask that type of

Why do we want him to have intelligence briefings? Is there any doubt that every decision he makes will only make everything worse?

Thank you. I am sure the campaign did make mistakes that are obvious in hindsight, and ignored “warnings” , but can you imgaine how many voices and opinions are going to be coming in during a national campaign? Trump was a wild card, nothing was normal this year and when you are in uncharted territory it’s really hard

Because Obama made some decisions that many disagree with in areas that are hopelessly complex with not a ton of “good” solutions and also did a lot of really good things while being a thoughtful, steady president. Trump has never done anything meaningful (for others) in his life, is crazy, and seeks to actively harm,

It’s almost like they’ll find some weird excuse to vote for a man over a woman

Tiffany for obvious reasons, Ivanka b/c he sexualizes her. Donny Jr. was the one reposting “alt-right” tweets so it’s hard to feel much for him. 

eh - you couldn’t pay me anything to have Trump as my father. So - pity still there.

The left out-lefted itself this time around.

Exactly. I’ll be honest I see this as only good news. We already knew Trump had no interest in governing and is totally incompetent. I’m just happy he knows fewer state secrets. It’s not like he was going to get that information and make awesome decisions with it.

Trump is a narcissist and perhaps worse and does not care about other people. His brain is fundamentally different than most of ours.