
Why people find actual nuanced analysis of what’s going on so offensive I don’t know. Of course class plays into this, of course race plays into this. Of course gender plays into this, which people actually ignore all the time.

I feel like that’s borderline - not nice to boys? There are plenty of a**hole entitled girls as well and there are PLENTY of good men out there. If you’re coming in this aware about stamping out the “boys will be boys” behavior I’m guessing you’re good on that front. But maybe be a little careful not to instill him

I was born a year earlier and most people I know are very worried. I don’t think this is an age thing necessarily. (Also I feel older than “millennials” - us early 80s babies don’t really have a “group”)

Yes we can pay attention to both - but the idea that Trump has no method to his madness is not true. Trump, to some degree, knows how to get what he wants. He’s not competent to be president, but that doesn’t mean he’s so incompentent that he can’t create distractions on purpose.

This is going to be a long 4 years (or less?) of Twitter meltdowns.

Sometimes I feel like - don’t poke the bear. Then maybe we can sneak democracy past him while he’s busy basking in how much people admire him.

Are you sure it’s the Xanex and not the disorder itself? Chronic anxiety diminishes memory, unfortunately.

I get how it’s annoying, but this reaction is pretty common to any human experience. “I thought I was prepared to have a baby but it’s just as hard as everyone says”. “Oh , stay at home moms actually are busy all day.” Or when people get sick “I could always just go and go and other people were complaining but now

I don’t know - the crying sounds over the top (I can’t watch the video now) but I’m not sure using the word on TV, especially by white people, is helpful. I understand that saying “the n-word” dilutes the context, but I also think if people start using the word “freely” (in quotes) in the mainstream media there are

Thank god! I’m going to petition my local school to host a porn shoot.

Yes I understand the point of the first amendment. That doesn’t mean I have to agree that free speech should mean elementary schools must house things totally inappropriate for children, even in off hours.

uh - if the 5% increase is statistically significant than it is a significant increase.

Setting aside the hate speech, I cannot imagine an elementary school would be forced to allow a group to depict actual recent murders in their facilities under the guise of free speech. Perhaps it is the case, but if so that is ridiclous.  

Agreed - children are a special case and schools should be allowed discretion of who uses their facilitates. They should not be allowed to discriminate against protected groups.

Religions have always used the threat of hell to keep people in line. It horrifying in many cases but does not equate to how we use or define “terrorism”. “We” even debated whether the Pulse night club shooting was terrorism because terrorism is generally used to describe actions of a political group and not

No, I was not at all saying what you somehow took from what I wrote. I was saying this whole “earn my vote” thing sounds entitled and like we are all owed democracy and stability when in fact it should be everyone’s job to safeguard those things. I tend to have some sympathy for (some) politicians who are forced to

Or - people have a obligation to research and vote for the candidate who will best serve the country’s interests. This isn’t a game where the two candidates are simply vying for a prize. The election affects all of us. This idea that “so-and-so needs to earn my vote” is always a little grating.

This headline alone makes me tired. GOP: STOP IT.

So true. Impossible not to see it. But most people can’t understand someone without any empathy at all (unless we are talking about Hillary, who is of course a witch)

“If this is the worst dirt they can dig up on this man . . .” - Uh, has she read the papers? They can’t even keep up with all the dirt on this man.